Chapter 15 - Lessons

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I walked back inside the hideout where Itachi and Shisui were having a casual chat.

"I'm taking your bitchy daughter on a trip tomorrow" I said and sat in between the two boys. Shisui giggled like a teen girl and Itachi sighed at the insult I gave her.

"Was there any need for the 'colourful' name you called my daughter?" Itachi asked.

"Yes, there's also this, she's a cocky ass little brat that needs to be taught a lesson, which I will take the honour of doing" I explained to my brother acting as innocent as I possibly could. He sighed and got up going to most probably spend some time with his daughter. I turned to Shisui and grinned evilly.

"What exactly are you planning?" He asked tucking a strand of loose hair from my usual high ponytail behind my ear.

"Lets just say it involves some old friends" I said and pecked him on the lips knowing that Itachi wasn't present. I'd sent a letter to them a few days ago and they replied this morning. We both smiled and he went back I  for a more passionate kiss. He bit my bottom lip but we were interrupted by a deliberate cough. I started freaking out, shit, we'd been caught.

"Calm down, it's just me" a female voice said. It was just Akari, wait......she might tell Itachi. Crap.

"Please don't tell Itachi, we will tell him when we're ready, I'll do anything" I actually pleaded.

"Anything?" She questioned. I sighed but nodded none the less.

"Please take care of Ama tomorrow, she comes back safe, your secret is safe" she negotiated. I smirked.

"I wasn't gonna put her in danger anyway" I said and went to my bedroom. Better get some sleep for tomorrow.


When I woke up, Itachi was already up with a cup of coffee in hand, as well as Amaterasu half asleep sitting next to him.

"Good morning beautiful family" I sneered. Amaterasu scoffed so I glared at her.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I spat.

"I could ask you the same thing" she glared back. I briefly heard Itachi sigh.

"Don't test me squirt, your with me for the whole day" I said and smirked at her reaction. She let out a loud moan of disgust but stood up anyway. I said bye to Itachi and we left the hide out.

The hide out was in the Land of Fire, stupid place to put it, but it was safer to be here so we could protect the village as need be. I was taking Amaterasu to a small near by village with a river running through it. This'll be good. We entered the village and I purposely went to where it was slightly deep.

"Alright, so I know you can climb trees using your chakra, but can you walk on water?" I said with a smirk and walked onto the water myself.

"You basically just have to do the exact same thing as climbing the tree, focus your chakra to the soles of your feet, like so" I explained and walked around.

"Looks easy enough" she said cockily. I smirked knowing she'd fall in straight away. She focused he chakra onto her feet, stepped one foot onto the water, which stayed, then the other foot, which took her into the water. I burst out laughing, it was funny because she was so cocky about it. After a few seconds, she still hadn't come up. I began to panic, then realisation hit me.

"Shit-" I began hand signs, "-Breathing Underwater technique" a justu Kisame had taught me. I dived into the water and spotted her straight away flailing her arms about. I swam faster and grabbed her around the waist, swimming straight up. I stood on top of the water with her coughing in my arms. I walked to the edge and put her on the ground. I waited until she finished her coughing fit to have a go at her. Once she'd caught her breath, she stood up and turned to see my unimpressed face.

"What?" She asked. I growled, trying to keep my calm.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you couldn't swim!" I said angrily. She looked away and a slight blush was on her face.

"I was embarrassed" she murmured. I sighed, ego is going to be a big problem.

"Come here" I said and she walked towards me with her head down.

"Now put both your hands on my shoulders" I said stepping back onto the water.

"What! No" she squeaked. I shot her a glare saying, 'Don't try me' and she hesitantly put her hands on my shoulders.

"Now focus the chakra into your feet and begin to walk" I said. She began to walk as I put my hands around her waist so she wouldn't drown again. I felt her sinking a few times but I kept her up so she thought she was doing it.

"Try to keep the chakra even as the water moves" I said and stomped my foot to create small waves. She wobbled but kept her balance.

"Now take your hands off my shoulders" I said and she complied. As she gained more balance I took my hands off her waist.

"I'm doing it!" She said and walked around slowly. Eventually she fell in but I grabbed her wrist before she could fall. She giggled which was a new sight for me. Normally I get glares and grunts.

"Alright, let's go to our next destination" I said.

"But I'm soaking wet" she said and I smirked. I made a few hand signs.

"Wind style: Wind Palm" I said and placed my palm up to her. A small but strong gust of wind shot from my palm and knocked her back slightly. She almost tripped and I started laughing again. The glare returned as I smirked.

"Still drenched?" I asked laughing beginning to walk away. I heard her grumble but follow none the less.


We had come to our next destination, one that brought back memories.

The old Uchiha Compound.

"Where are we?" She asked. I sighed but answered anyway. This is where my plan will take place.

"This is the old Uchiha Compound, where me, your father and uncle used to live" I explained. I took her to the main house hold since no one came here anymore so I could show her the shrine.

"One day I'm hoping that we can all reunite again and live here some day" I sighed again.

We arrived at the meeting room and I told her to wait while I went to do something.

I flashed outside an old friends house, who was already waiting along with two others.

"Long time no see, but let's catch up after this" I said and smirked. He flashed me a big grin and they poofed away.

Amaterasu's POV

I was waiting patiently for Naomi to get back but getting annoyed she was taking to long. I suddenly heard something move so I turned to look but nothing was there. I turned back around to see two people.

"Naomi?" I asked. They stepped into the light and I realised it wasn't her. I got into a fighting stance but I was shaking at what they said,

"Amaterasu Uchiha, we have come for your eyes" they said and the look on their faces told me they weren't joking. I shakily took out a kunai but another ninja grabbed my wrist from behind. I gasped as he put his arm over my mouth.

"Shh shh, don't struggle and it won't hurt as much" he said and the others two edged closed with their hands out.


A/N: SO SORRY IT TOOK TOO LONG TO UPDATE!!! I've been a bit busy with the wattys, and guess what! I won!!!! Or at least I'm pretty sure I did 😅 I'm so proud and thank you to everyone who voted. I'll try and update again soon 😁

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