“Make sure your face is clearly visible and wait for the flash.” A voice says wanting my picture. I shield my face with my hands and wait for the light to go off before removing them.

“What was that for?” Dastan asks.

“I don’t want some creeper of a person to look at my picture or anything when we get off the ride.” I say seriously.

He laughs. “You do realize we’re probably going to be the only ones down there right?”

Oh yeah, I think. I’d forgotten that. Oh well, Dastan will still be there, so the principle applies still

“Here are the cavemen,” He says pointing to my left, his arm crossing just in front of me, slightly touching me. I push his arm away uncomfortably.

You know, it never occurred to me that maybe Dastan is one of those people- you know, the creeper kind. I mean, me going everywhere alone with him would surely be a good way to-


That’s a stupid thought. Dastan’s Disney, and I think my mom told me something, a while ago, about how Disney does this whole big background check on their employees to make sure they fit the Disney standard, so that means Dastan’s okay…

I hope.

I gulp, clearly uncomfortable and scoot a farther away from Dastan.

He looks at me strangely, but continues talking about the different scenes and the history of them; blah, blah blah- I stop listening by ‘the Greeks’ which is not long after the beginning.

I know I agreed to be quiet and not interrupt him (although he’s actually the one who was being rude and interrupted me every time I tried to speak this morning), but he’s seriously wearing me out with all the “Disney did this, and Disney did that,” and  the history. I mean, I get enough of it in school, I don’t need it on vacation either, I think.

I catch myself.

Does this even count as my vacation anymore? I wonder. Besides the fact that I already hate Disney, I’m now a Fairy’s  captive, and being dragged around the ‘World’ by a Disney lunatic who acts like he owns me.

At least with my parent’s I got to relax. I think.

It’s no wonder Dastan starts waving his hand in front of my face when we approach the end of the ride.

“It’s time to make your future,” He says pointing to the small screen on the vehicle.

I shake my head to wake up from my daze.

“Why not yours too?” I ask defensively.

“Because I already know my future.” He says.

I laugh. “Uh huh, and what is your future?” I ask sarcastically “Being Walt Disney’s successor?”

“Don’t worry about it.” He says with the same defensive tone as I use. “Just answer the questions before we get off.” He commands. I quickly answer the questions, the first one being What are you most interested in?

Home, Work, Health, Leisure.

My eyes look to Dastan hoping he’s not looking, but he is so I answer Leisure.

Which best describes you?

I like to be surprised.

A few questions later it asks what makes me feel better on a bad day.

Hot Chocolate or Hot Soup

I always let my brother or dad do this part of the ride, so I’ve never actually had to answer any of these questions.

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