Moments- One direction/ Why dont we

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I know some of you won't like this because its One direction but it was requested and I love one direction.

Shut the door
Turn the light off
I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try

Corbyn had just got home from the hospital they told him everything would be fine that the operation would be esay, but they lied to him and now the love of his life was gone and he couldn't bring her back. When Corbyn made it to your shared bedroom he lost it and started sobbing and screaming your name out. Daniel was downstairs with Corbyn incase he did something stupid but after hearing Corbyn screaming Daniel ran upstairs to see him. "Leave Daniel!" Said Corbyn as he rolled himself in a ball in bed. "Corbyn am here in-'' Corbyn was frustrated and yelled at Daniel. "Just leave me alone!! Shut the door and turn the lights off and leave!!" Daniel understood the pain Corbyn was feeling and left. All night Corbyn was remembering the moments you had together in bed, the fun things you did on date night and all the 'I love you'. Corbyn couldn't take it being without you he loved you to much.

If we could only have this life
For one more day
If we could only turn back time
He couldn't believe what he was hearing threw the phone, he couldn't believe that you were gone. Zach was on tour and that hurt him the most he wasn't there to protect you. "Am sorry Mr. Herron we did everything we could but it was to late for her." Zach hung up the call and his phone slipped out of his hand. You were shot outside a bar when you were with your friends. Zach thought it was all his fault that if he was there with you none of this would've happened he would still have his princess with him. "No No No!!" Yelled Zach suddenly he fell to his knees and started crying. He thought about all the things he would tell you if you could restart the day all over again he would have told you 'I love you' 'Am going back home with you'. But you couldn't what was done was done and you weren't coming back.

Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without you
My judgment's clouded
Like tonight's sky
You had killed yourself 2 weeks ago because of all the hate you would get and Jonah was still a mess without you. Jonah wouldn't eat, wouldn't shower, he didn't go outside, he didn't even sing because to him you were the lyrics to the song and without the lyrics there was no song. The boys were knocking on Jonah door hoping he would answer but he didn't, he didn't want to be seen by anyone unless it was you. Jonah was depressed because you were his light and you left him. At night Jonah was watching videos of him and you taking by fans. "It should have been me!" Jonah yelled as he threw the remote control arcoss the room. Deep down Jonah still thought you were alive but he knew he was carzy to think that because he saw your died body hanging on that rope going back and forth lifeless. That night Jonah cried himself to sleep as he had done for a straight week.

Hands are silent, voice is numb
Hands are silent, voice is numb
Try to scream out, my lungs
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face
He was so close to getting to the hospital but he didn't make it it was to late for him, to late for you. Daniel tried talking asking where your room was but as hard as he tried no words came out because he knew he had lost you. The nurse understood him and told him that you were gone. After fighting with cancer for 10 months your heart lost the battle. When Daniel heard those words he felt that someone had just pulled out his heart. He went back home with a brokenheart. Daniel was sobbing on the couch olny wanting you, he tried screaming your name hoping you would walk down the stairs healthy and alive but you didn't. All Daniel could think of was you and that he would do whatever for him being the one dying and you still being alive.

Flashing lights in my mind, going back to the time
Playing games in the street, kicking balls at my feet
There's a numb in my toes, standing close to the edge
There's a pile of my clothes at the end of your bed as I feel myself fall, make a joke of it all
He couldn't be without you. You were his everything he was nothing without you. He had just come back from your funeral and to see you dead again just made him want to be with you more. When Jack got home he made a video saying, "I left to be with Y/N. Am leaving behind family, friends and my fans. I love you all but without my baby my world am broken and have nothing to offer." Jack turned off the camera and went to a tall building outside of LA where he went to the 10th floor ready to jump. When he just up there he started remembering his life all the memories he made until  the day he meet you. Jack could feel the pain starting to kick in again and he jumped. After falling 10 floors and hitting the ground everything went black, but now he was with you.

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