Secret Love Song- Little Mix(Why dont we)

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Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face
You couldn't take it anymore spending to much time with him made you love him more. He was taken and you don't mess with other girls boys, even you knew that. "Okay race all of you to Vans." Said Jonah getting in his position to run. All of the boys agreed expect you, you had been in love with Corbyn and spending time with him made you love him more. "Ready set go!" Yelled Jack as they all ran, but you stayed behind walking. Zach saw you stay behind and went to go talk to you. "Hey what's wrong buddy?" Asked Zach you had known Zach since you were 5, that was how you meet the boys. "You know. This sucks so much! You have nikki(random name) and you guys are so happy together and Corbyn has Christiana." You said looking down you didn't hate Christiana she was a great person but you did wish that you were dating Corbyn. "Hey you will find someone that will love you. Corbyn is blind that he doesn't have a great girl like you." Said Zach giving you a 'am sorry hug'. "Come on lets get going before the boys start thinking things." Zach said as you both start walking to the store. "Hey there they are." Said Jack pointing to the door as you both walked in. "Y/N come do you like these shoes?" Asked Corbyn as you walked up to him. You looked at the shoes and then looked at Corbyn. "Yea everything looks good on you." You said and then quickly regretting the words you spoke. "Haha. This is why I love you." Said Corbyn putting his hand out for a high five. Did he really say that he loved you? Maybe it didn't mean anything. You thought to yourself, "So are you going to leave me hanging?" Asked Corbyn bringing you out of your thoughts. "Oh shit sorry." You high fived him and quickly got out of the store before you said anything dumb again and went to the food court . You were getting to deep in this 'relationship' with Corbyn and you didn't want anyone to notice that you were in love with him. "Hey you okay?" Asked Zach as he came out of the store, "Yea am just falling in love with him even more, but am never going to show it in my face no matter what." You said banging your head in the table. "Stop it. You deserve someone better then Corbyn." Said Zach making you feel a little better. "Yea but I still want him." You said little knowing that Corbyn had heard the whole thing.

But we know this, we got a love that is homeless
Why can't you hold me in the street?
Zach- (Y/B/N means your band name)
You were in a girl band  and you were doing really good at the moment. When you meet Zach it felt like you had found the missing part of you. When you and Zach had been dating for 5 months both of you thought it was a great idea to come out public, but when both of the mangers said 'no' you were heartbroken. You and your band where at a red carpet , and all the paparazzi and interviewers where screaming at both of you. "Okay both of you stay here and answer the question." Said your manger as she went behind the camera. "Okay so am here with the girls from Y/B/N!" Said the interviewer so cheerful and happy. "Hi!!" You and your bandmates both said at the same time. "So any special man in your life's?" Asked the interviewer making you guys laugh. "No am pretty single." Said Nirvelli one of your bandmates, "Same!" Said Clarissa and Anabel now it was just you. "So Y/N any man." She asked giving you that look. "No am single too." You lied and you hated doing this. Then your heard the voice of 5 boys comeing closer to you. "Look who it is! Why Don't We!" Said the interviewer pointing to the boys walking up to you. "Yea its them." You said fake smiling, all you could think of was how cute Zach looked  while he was talking. "Okay girls move on in." Said your manger as you all went inside the arena ready to see the award show. "Are you okay?" asked Nirvelli as she saw that you weren't yourself after that interview. "Yea am great!" You said fake smiling. You and your bandmates took your seats and watched the show start. "Hey look it's the boys." Said Clarissa as they were sitting two rows in front of you. "Corbyn! Jonah! Jack! Daniel! Zach!" yelled Anabel making the boys and everyone else near you look at her. The boys looked at all of you and laughed at how Anabel had just yelled. 1 hour into the award show the 'best girl group' award was being presented. "And the winner is.....Y/B/N" Said Selena Gomez. "We won! We won!" You yelled as your band name was called. All of you hurried to the stage where you said your thank you's and then left the stage. On your way to your seats you bumped into the boys were they thanked you. "Congrats baby." Said Zach he was ready to kiss you but you stopped him. "Not here Zach maybe later." You said giving him a pat on the back then leaving back to your seat. "Yea maybe later." You heard Zach say as you walked back to your seat, this relationship was homeless which broke you.

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