Night Before (Wedding Series)

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**This kinda suck because I have been sick lately. But don't worry because the wedding one will be great. I promise.

You stayed at your parents house because your mom didn't like the idea of you and Corbyn being in the same place. Instead of doing really fun things before your wedding you were sick in bed. Corbyn insisted to move the wedding 2 days later, but you didn't listen. You had been nauseous for the last 3 days and didn't understand why. "Come on Y/N lets to something fun!" Yelled Ashley walking into your childhood room, but you couldn't even move without feeling like you we're going to throw up. "No thank you," You said laying on your stomach. "Maybe your pregnant," Said Gabbie as a joke while she turned on the T.V. Ashley laughed but I had a serious look on my face. "Oh shit," I said under my breath as I got off the bed to the restroom. "Your supposed to be laughing." Yelled Gabbie from the other side of the room. "The night at the bar! Remember I felt early then me and cor-" You got cut off my Ashley covering her ears and screaming. "I don't wanna know what you and Corbyn did," I sat on the toilet with my heart pounding fast. "Do you have any pregnancy tests?" Asked Gabbie as she rubbed my back soothing me. I nodded my head no. "Am gonna be an aunt," Yelled Ashley dancing around the room. "How long ago was your bachelorette?" Asked Gabbie  sitting down on the bathtub. "Almost a month ago," I said remembering that my period was 1 week late. "My period is-" "Late," said Ashley finishing the sentence for me. "We will get you a test tomorrow just to make sure," Said Ashley sitting on the floor. "We hadn't talked about having kids yet, but we both knew we didn't want them now." I said feeling the tears threatening to leave my eyes. "Don't worry Corbyn won't leave you. Come on the loser is carzy for you," Said Ashley and Gabbie nodded in agreement. I didn't imagine my last night being like this, I thought to myself.

Zach had finally come home from tour just to be at your wedding, but of course you couldn't see him. "Sweetie I want to show you something," Said your dad as he walked downstairs carrying a box. "What's all that?" You asked putting your phone aside. "It's the wedding photos from your mom and I wedding," he said handing the box towards you. "Dad your going to make me cry," You said getting off the couch to hug him. "I remember your mom talking about these day long before she died," Your dad said getting a picture book out of the box giving to you. You looked threw the pages and saw your mom. "Wow she was so beautiful," You said under your breath. "You reminded me a lot of her. Both of you had such a kind heart." Said Your dad wiping a tear off your face. "I miss her so much," "I do too sweetie but she is where she needs to be. Even if it's not with us." After talking to your dad for awhile you went to bed with all the nerves inside of you. You were ready to go to bed when you got a message from zach.

Jonah- (His POV)The girls literally kicked me out of the house

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Jonah- (His POV)
The girls literally kicked me out of the house. Esther, Gabbie, Christiana and Syndie kicked me out before I could get anything. I started walking around at the park where me and Y/N had our first date. I smiled at remembering the events that had happened that day. "I thought you would be here," I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see Jack sitting down next to me. "I was hoping you would be Y/N," I said laughing. "Wow I sound that much like a girl," Jack said sarcastically which made me laugh more. "How did you know I would be here?" I asked curiously. "Because Y/N told me?" "Wait but how did she know I was here?" I asked even more confused. "Because that girl knows you so well," Said Jack standing up and walking towards his car. "Come on. The boys are planning something great for you," Said Jack waving me towards him.

Daniel- (His POV)
"All of you suck," Yelled Zach running across the grass. The boys and I were playing with nerf guns because we had nothing better to do. "Stop talking Zach," I said getting annoyed at all of his bragging. "To be honest am surprised that Nicole is still dating you Zach," Screamed Jonah from the balcony while shooting us at the same time. "You guys are mean," Said Zach as he started shooting us more. I ran into the house trying to hide from the boys when I got a phone call from Y/N. "Hey baby," I said happily. "Hey loser, I miss you," I heard her say with sadness in her voice. "Hey don't be sad. Just think about it tomorrow will be the we get to spend our lives together," I said trying to cheer her up. "I love you. I got to go before the girls see me. "Bye baby," I said as I put my phone away. I turned around to see all the boys pointing the guns at me. "We give you 5 seconds Seavey," Said Corbyn as I ran away.

Jack- (His POV)
I standed outside the door hoping someone would open the door for me, but of course no one did. "Come on guys," I said while knocking on the door. "No you can't see Y/N," Said Zach as he opened the door. "Wait why are you here?" I asked confused. "Syndie and Ava asked me to come so I could help them move some things," Zach said as he was showing off his " muscles" I chuckled at how hard he was trying. I tried to walk in but once again I was stopped by Zach. "Call Ava," I said finally getting frustrated. Zach went inside looking for Ava, I grabbed my phone out of my shorts and called Y/N, but she didn't answer. "Where is Y/N?" I asked as Ava opened the door. "Don't worry big brother everything is fine," Ava replied with a big smile on her face. "Please let me see her," I plead getting on my knees. "No can do. You have to wait until tomorrow then you will see her," I let out a big sigh. "Okay while tell her that I love her so much." I said as I walked to my car. I heard Y/N scream '
"I love you too," before I got in my car and drived away.

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