Blood Test To Find Out Gender (Pregnacy Series)

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*I didn't know what to name this chapter.*

"Does that hurt?" Corbyn asked as the doctor stuck the needle into your arm. "It looked at it hurt," You rolled your eyes and started to ingore all the words that came out of his mouth. "The results will come in about in 2 days, but you guys want me to call your friend Gabbie?" The doctor asked as he looked over his notes. "Yea Gabbie Gonzalez." You told the doctor as you rubbed your stomach. Gabbie agreed to do your gender reveal and Corbyn and you were honestly excited for gender. "Okay we'll I'll see you for you're 4 month check up." The doctor said leaving you and Corbyn alone to get your things and be ready to leave. "Imagine a little boy running around the house." Corbyn said as both of you started to leave the clinic. "What about a girl?" You asked imagine a mini you running around. "Y/N I'm a guy everything I know screams out boy." Corbyn said as you slapped his stomach. "Well I feel it's a girl." You said rubbing your stomach. "Whatever it is I will love it so much." Corbyn said placing his arm on your stomach. "I know you will." You mumbled. All you could think of was how incredible of a father Corbyn would be.

"Your stressing me out." You said as you smacked Zach across his head. "I'm trying to support you." Zach said referring to the fact you were about to get 4 shots, and a fifth one that would determine the gender of the triplets. "We'll if you're gonna be on my ass the day I give birth I don't want you there," You said starting to get mood swings. "Whatever." Zach said as he walked over to the chair and started looking at his phone. "Hello Ms.Y/L/N how have you been?" Asked the doctor as he grabbed his stool chair. "Moody," Zach said answering the question for you. "Moody? Well that's normal for any pregnancy." The doctor said chuckling and asking his normal routine questions. "Are you scheduled for an ultrasound today?" The doctor asked as he started to get the machine ready. "No just the blood test and the 3 other shots." You said playing with your fingers. "Okay I'll have a nurse come in here soon."You nodded you head as the doctor said buy to you and Zach. "I call it right now there all girls." Zach said as you started getting the shot. "You're having triplets?" Asked the nurse as she started to draw your blood. "Yeah," "Then most likely there all gonna be mixed." She said taking the needle out. "I still call it." Zach said.

"Okay everything is normal the baby seems to be developing great." The doctor said as she scanned your belly. "But what I recommend is you eat less. You have gained atleast 20 pounds and having to push a baby that size will hurt." The doctor said as she started taking the gel off your stomach with a wipe. "I told you to stop eating so much." Jonah told you as he sat on the chair next to you. You gave Jonah the death look and he immediately shut his mouth. "Okay now for the blood test." The doctor said as he grabbed the needle. You were terrified of needles and hated getting shots. "Okay this won't hurt at all." The doctor said getting closer to you. "I'm here for you Y/N." Jonah said kissing your cheek and holding your hand. After getting the blood drawn out you waited for the doctor to come back. "I'll call Christiana Harris to give to results to right?" You and Jonah nodded as both of you started to head out the doctor office. "We're almost gonna find out!" Jonah squealed making you laugh.

"Okay that's all. I'll see you for your 20 week appointment." The doctor said as she walked you outside the clinic doors. "Thank you bye." You said as you made your way to the car. "So what happened?" Asked Daniel as you got in the car. "They're going to call Tate once the results about the genders come in." You said getting in the car and putting your seatbelt on. "So that means we'll have 2 boys or 2 girls." Daniel said getting excited. Deep down you knew that Daniel wanted boys, but you honestly wanted them to be girls. "We just have to wait until the gender reveal to find out." You said as Daniel started to drive the car on to the streets. "I want Chipotle." You said as you saw one across the street. "You just eat In-N-Out!" Daniel said whinnying since all he wanted was to go home. "I don't care." You said pointing to the fast food restaurant.

"Okay Y/N and Jack turn around and Syndie please come this way to see the gender." The doctor said as all of you followed her orders. Sydnie was planning your gender reveal and that honestly lifted some weight of your shoulders. But all that did was make you wanna find out the gender. "Omg!" You heard Syndie yell as the doctor whispered something in her ear. "Stop teasing." Jack said rolling his eyes at his older sister. After the appointment you and Jack tried your hardest to break Sydnie but nothing worked. "You'll have to wait until next Saturday." Syndie said as she got off your and Jack car. "I'll see you next Saturday." Sydine said skipping all the way towards her fromt door. "It's a boy." You said looking at Jack. "No it's a girl." Jack said as he pulled out of Sydine driveway. "Your wrong," You said looking down at your stomach the back at Jack. "Wanna bet?" Jack said as you stopped at a res light. You left bad on betting on your child, but it was worth it if you were about to win money. "How much?" You asked shaking Jack hand. "30$," Jack said as continued driving. "Deal." You said rubbing your stomach.

* I need help on what the genders of the babies should be. So help by picking the gender of your lanes bby.*
I start school tmmr and I honestly want to drop out. So pray for me cause lord knows I wanan drop out so fucking bad!!

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