He calls you at 3am//why dont we

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It was 3am when your phone rang, you got up from your bed to get your phone from your dresser. "Hello?" you said clearly still asleep "Bae!! I needed
to hear your voice" Jack says screaming at the phone "At 3am" You say chuckling but still annoyed "Yes because your my everything" " Awww, but am sleepy so bye" you laugh to yourself then you end the call "That noddle head" you say and walk to bed, thinking about Jack, as you fall asleep your phone rings again but you ingore it.

Daniel- You were asleep, Daniel and you had a big fight just before you went to sleep. Some pictures of him and this girl were all over the internet, of course you asked him who she was but Daniel Got offended that you think he would cheat so basically the call ended by you saying " were done"- your cried yourself to sleep but now your waking to your phone ringing at 3am. You sat on your bed and picked up your phone from your nightstand " Hello" "Y/n bae am sorry" Daniel says clearly crying " Am sorry to I shouldn't have thought you were cheating" you say as your eyes start to get watery, it hurts you when you hear daniel crying so you always end up crying with him. You guys talk about the pictures and by 5am you go back to sleep knowing that the love of your life didn't cheat on you.

Zach- Zach was on tour with the boys, You were staying at your sister place because you dont like being alone, your sister olny had one room in her apartment so you shared the room. It was 3:26 am when your phone woke you up, you got it from under your pillow to check who it was the contact name read "Zach🤤😍❤️💕💞❤️" you smile knowing that probably zach misses you like you miss him. "Hi" you say wide awake knowing you talking to zach " I miss you" he says kinda sad " me too, when are you coming back?" "In about 2 weeks" you can hear ur sister waking up " I'll call you lat-" but you got cut off my sister saying "Romeo call your Juliet later!!" she says annoyed you can hear zach laughing into the phone "bye" you say ad ur sister throws a pillow at you.

Jonah- You were wide awake after watching 3 horror movies with your friends you couldn't sleep, you were to scard that pennywise or annabelle would show up by ur door as you were thinking about pennywise coming threw your window your phone rang which made you jump but as soon as you saw who it was you weren't so scard " Hi Jonah" you say wide awake looking at your door " Hey i miss you, why aren't you sleeping" " Because me and Y/F/N watched like 3 scary movies and am afraid i will die tonight" you say serious but it made Jonah laugh " How about i sing to you so you could sleep" " yes please" you say quickly, as Jonah sang to you- your fear of dying left and you fell asleep quickly.

This one is kinda werid

Corbyn- "What are you wearing?" he asked in a teasing voice which made you giggle. "Oh you know sweatpants and a boyband t-shirt" you say glancing down at your shirt, " Your not good at phone sex" he says laughing into the phone loudly as you roll your eyes. " Oh whatever loser, you says I even want to have phone with you anyway" You asked huffing a little bit and he laughed some more " Then who would you like to have phone sex with y/n" He said in an interested tone " No one Corbyn Besson, now go to sleep before you become single" you say laughing and he laughs as well " Goodnight baby sweet dreams"  he says " I love you bye".

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