Cravings(Pregnancy Series)

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"Y/N what are you looking for?" Corbyn asked walking into the kitchen as you searched the fridge. "Peanut Butter," you replied simply still looking through the fridge. "But dinner is almost ready," he said string the pot on top of the stove. "I know but the baby really wants peanut butter," you said pointing to your stomach. "Now where is it?" You asked getting upset. Corbyn knew that your pregnancy was rough. Even though you were just 13 weeks. "Here," Corbyn said reaching into the cup boards handing you the peanut butter jar. Your eyes lit up and quickly grabbed the jar from Corbyn hands. "There's nothing in here!" You yelled getting frustrated and throwing the jar in the trash can. "Go buy me some." You demand to Corbyn. "No." Corbyn said still string the pot. "Corbyn!" You whined walking in front of him so he would give you attention. "Stop." Corbyn said pushing you away from him and the stove. "But the baby." You said pointing towards you stomach again. "Well I hope the baby likes soap because that's what were having." Corbyn said turning the stove off and pouring the soap in plates. "Fine! But when I get my mood swings don't complain!" You said and walking into the dining room.

You were eating for 4. Which made it worse on you. One baby would want tacos well the other two wanted something else. "Zach," You whined walking into the bedroom. "Yea?" Sach asked putting his phone down. "I'm hungry," You said walking towards him. "Again?!" "Yes again!" You snapped back getting frustrated. "What does the princess want?!" Zach asked in a annoying baby voice. "It's not what I want it's what the triplets want." You said pointing to your humongous 12 week belly. "Okay then what do my babies want?" Zach asked bending down to talk to your belly. "Umm Pizza and Chinese food." You said already tasting the food. "I said the triplets not you." Zach said getting up and grabbing his phone. "Whatever." You said rolling your eyes. "I'll be back," Zach said kissing your cheek and walking towards the kitchen to get the keys. "Wait! I want pickles too!" You yelled trying to run towards him. "I can't wait until your not pregnant anymore," You heard Zach mumble as he walked out of the house.

Pregnancy was treating you horrible! You constantly got nauseous and had horrible headaches, and food was your best friend. You were fine a weeks ago, but all of a sudden pregnancy wanted to be a bitch. "So Jack in the box?" Jonah asked as both of you got in the car. You nodded and started to look at the window. "Stop the car!" You yelled 10 mintues into the car ride. "What?!" Jonah said pulling over to the side of the road thinking you were about to throw up. "Krispy Kreme." You said pointing over to the store across the rode. "I thought you wanted Jack in the box?" Jonah asked as he started to drive across the street. "I do. But what's wrong with eating to things?!" You said waiting to hear Jonah excuse. "Nothing." Jonah said scard of saying the wrong thing. "Stop the car!" You said and Jonah had to pull over again. "What now?" Jonah asked getting frustrated. "I need to throw up." You said running out of the car.

"Ew no. No. No. Definitely not." You said looking in the menu of a restaurant. Keri and Anna wanted to take you out of the house to have a girls day. "So are you and Daniel exited to know the genders?" Keri asked as she also looked through the menu. "Yes. But i feel like they're boys." You said still looking through the menu. Nothing looked delicious and you were craving avocado toast so bad. "But they're identical twins right?" Asked Anna putting the menu down. "Yea they are." You said looking down at your belly. "I want avocado toast," You mumbled getting frustrated you couldn't get what you wanted. "The menu doesn't have it?" Asked Keri trying to help out your dilemma. You shook your head 'no' and continued to look through the menu to get something else.

Jack was given a 2 week break from tour. And you honestly were driving him carzy. "We don't need all that," Jack said as you started to place all the food on the register to pay. "Yes we do." You said continuing to place the food. "We don't need whatever this is," Jack said holding up a jar of frosting. "Well you don't, but I do." You said taking it out of his hand and placing it on the register. "Y/N I understand your pregnant but this is getting out of hand." Jack whispered as both of you walked out of the store after paying. "Well before you're ass starts complaining remember you did this." You said walking towards the car fast to leave Jack behind. "I know but Y/N you're wasting to much money on food." Jack said referring to the 5 bags filled with junk food. "Oh so you don't want our baby to be healthy?!" You asked getting emotional. "Does not what I meant," Jack said getting into the car.

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