Telling Family and Friends (Pegnancy Series)

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"Im pregnant!" You said out of nowhere as all of you were eating. Your dad and Corbyn's family was over for dinner, but both of you weren't planning on saying anything. "Your what?!" Asked your dad almost chocking on his salad. " Corbyn and I are expecting," You said one more time leaving everyone confused. "Pregnant?!" Asked Jordan taking a sip of his water. "I would be an aunt," Whispered Ashley completely forgetting about her food. "Their Joking," Said Saskia putting down her fork and examining you and Corbyn faces. "I thought we weren't going to say anything?!" Said Corbyn looking at everyone then back at you. "How long?!" Asked Your dad still very confused. "We found out 2 weeks ago," Corbyn said smiling remembering that event. "Wait so this isn't a joke?!" Asked Saskia looking at Corbyn. "Nope were gonna be parents!" Corbyn said as everyone cheered. "Your mom would be so happy," You dad said hugging you. "She would be," You said tearing up remembering your mom. "You will be fantastic just like her," You dad said kissing you forehead. "Congrats Y/N," Ashley said hugging you from behind. "I will be a fantastic aunt." Ashley said laughing.

"I'm pregnant!" "No use more excitement," Zach told you as you stood at the end of the bed of  your childhood bedroom. "What do you mean?!" Zach has made you practice how your telling you families your pregnant for the past 20 mintues. You were at your parents house for 4th of July and Zach family was here too. "You don't have the tone of happiness," Zach said while pointing to your annoyed face. "Because we have been doing this for almost half an hour!" You yelled at him and walked out to the backyard where everyone was. "Hey Y/N can you help me with that bag of coal," Your dad said as he and Josh were by the grill. You nodded and walked towards the kitchen. "No I'll get it," You turned around to see Zach behind you bending down to grab the bag. "Why?" You asked getting annoyed of his company. "Because your pregnant," Zach said getting the bag and walking towards the backyard. You followed Zach to the backyard and walked towards with Myta and your mom. "What's wrong?" Asked your mom seeing you had your moody face on. You sat next to her and Myta, and immediately broke down into tears. "Zach won't let me do anything. And it's all because I'm pregnant but it's getting really frustrating!" You looked at Myta then back at your mom and they had really confused looks in their faces. "Your pregnant?!" Asked your mom looking you straight into the eyes. "Y/N your pregnant?!" Myta asked as you nodded your head, relieved you got that out of you. "Y/D/N Y/N's pregnant!" You mom yelled in excitement as she ran towards your dad. Myta was still in shock. Everyone in the backyard looked at you than at Zach. "I knew all this time!" Yelled your sister who was playing with water balloons with Reese, Ryan and your younger brother. "I'm gonna be a grandpa!" Yelled Josh as he ran to hug Zach. "Y/N your going to make me have my first grandchild," Myta yelled as she got up and hugged you. You looked at your parents who were looking at you. "Honey congratulations," You dad said as he walked towards you and hugged you. Zach walked to his mom who also hugged him. "Wait i'm going to be an aunt?" Asked Reese who looked confused. "Yea you are and Y/S/N. And Ryan will he an uncle so will Y/B/N." Zach said carrying his sister. "Congratulations," Josh said as he pulled you in for a hug. "I love you," You heard Zach say from behind you as he wrapped his hands around your waist. "I love you too. You mean everything to me." You said as Zach placed a kiss on your cheek. "I'm going to be the better uncle!" You heard your brother tell Ryan, as they ran around. "Well see about that!" Ryan yelled back as they threw water balloons at eachother. You and Zach laughed and went back with your parents, who were excited to be grandparents.

You layed down on the bed, rubbing your stomach. You didn't even have a bump yet, but just knowing a human was living in you made you happy. "We need to tell them," Jonah said from the door frame as he walked towards you. "But how?!" You asked sitting up waiting for Jonah to come cuddle. "Christiana and Gabbie know they could help?!" Jonah suggested climbing into bed with you. "Should we just call and tell them?" You asked playing with Jonah hair. Truth was you didn't know how to tell your family you and Jonah were expecting. And honestly you justed wanted to call them and tell them. "Fine," Jonah said climbing out of bed to get his laptops to call eachother families. "Okay you go first," Jonah said as you typed in your parents phone number to facetime them. "Hi Mom," You said when your mom face popped out on the screen. "Hey hunny what's up??" You could tell your mom was in a hurry, because she kept bouncing her knee up and down. "We just needed to tell you something," Jonah said looking for the pregnancy test in the nightstand. You looked at Jonah and noticed he had finally gotten the test. "Are you ready to become a grandma?" You and Jonah both said as Jonah had the test in his hand. "Y/N this better not be a joke!!" You mom yelled as she covered her face. "Congrats two both of you," You mom said lifting her head to see the tears that had fallen to her face.

"Please just listen," Daniel said trying to get everyone's attention. "Be more louder," You told Daniel getting frustrated that he wasn't being loud enough. You and Daniels family and closet friends were at your house to celebrate your birthday, but you were also going to tell them your pregnant. "Hello! Am I invisible?!" Daniel asked Looking at you then back at everyone else. "Oh please. Everyone listen!" You screamed and everyone payed attention. Daniel looked at you shook, not knowing how you got everyone's attention. "Thank you everyone who came. But before you all leave we have a game." You said grabbing a box that was behind a chair. "You each have 15 seconds to fond what's inside the box that was filled with tiny pieces of paper. "Whoever finds it wins!" You said as you passed the box to your dad, who didn't know you were pregnant. "What's in the box!?" Asked Anna yelled making everyone laugh, expect Daniel. "I would tell you but you didn't listen to me!" Yelled Daniel being pitty that no one payed attention to him. "There's nothing in here!" Whined Gabbie after 5 mintues into the game. Everyone had atleast gone 3 times and they still couldn't find the test. "Okay this is the last round if you don't find it we'll tell you," Daniel said passing the box once again to your dad. 5 seconds into your dad's turn and he found the test. "Your pregnant!" Yelled your dad as he threw the box to the floor and ran up to hug you. Everyone quickly realized what was happening wnd started to cheer and go to talk to you and Daniel.

You already knew how you wanted to tell them you were pregnant, but everything back fired when Jack left back to tour. You were mad he left but it was olny for awhile. You decided to tell everyone without him. Jack would tell the boys and thier girlfriends. And you would tell the family. "Okay so what's so important I had to leave my bed?" Asked Sydnie as she walked in the house with Isla, Ava and Kristin. "Hi sweetie," Kristin said as she kissed your cheek and walked into the living room. "Were still waiting for my mom," You told them following them. "Wait is this about the secret?" Asked Ava sitting down on the couch. "Anna told me about it yesterday!" Ava said in excitement. "What is it?!" Yelled Isla basically jumping on you so you told her. You laughed, at how intrigued they were to know the secret. "Girls clam down. We will wait until Mrs.Y/L/N gets here." Kristin said getting Isla and telling Sydnie. You heard the door bell and ring. "Well that must be her," You said and went to open the door to your mom. "Hi mommy," You said kissing her cheek and taking her to the living room. "Hi Y/M/N!" Yelled Isla running to hug your mom. "Hi Isla," Your mom said as she went to hug everyone else. "Okay so what's the big news!" Yelled everyone as you sat down on the couch. "The news is that.. Im pregnant!" You said grabbing the test. "AHHHH!" Yelled Sydnie running towards you. "We're going to be grandmas!" Yelled Kristin going to hug your mom. "I will have a nephew!" Yelled Ava hugging you. "Isla aren't you happy?!" You asked looking at a confused child. "I am, but were did the baby come from?" Isla asked being an innocent child. "Your not finding out anytime soon," Kristin said covering her daughters ears.

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