Moringing Of (Wedding Series)

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Photo of wedding above^^

"Where the hell is Ashley," You said pacing back and worth in front of the girls. "Clam down Y/N," Gabbie said handing you water. "She left almost 20 mintues ago," You said drinking the water. "Maybe there's fans in the drug store," Syndie said trying to clam down. "Yes. Or maybe she is already coming," Ava and Esther said trying to clam down your nerves. "Come on let's do your makeup and hair while we wait," Gabbie and Ava took you to the chair while Syndie called Ashley. "What do you mean he is there?!" You heard Syndie say worried. You tried to get up but Gabbie pulled you down and Esther went to see what was wrong. "What's going on Ava?" You asked, Ava just looked at you and followed Esther. After a few moments they came up with worried looks on thier face. "Ashley said that she got the pregnancy test and Corbyn saw her-" You immediately cut off Syndie "Stop Syndie don't lie," You said trying to keep the tears in so you didn't ruin your makeup. "But don't worry he didn't see the test." Ava said as Esther told the makeup artist to wait outside. You sighed in relief. "But-" Once again you cut Syndie off. "Don't say but everything was going so well," You whined. Esther and Ava laughed at you while Gabbie rolled her eyes and chuckled. "There's no but I just wanted to freak you out," Said Syndie laughing at you while the other girls joined. After a few minutes, Ashely ran in with a bag full of pregnancy test in her hands. "Am here," Yelled Ashley out of breath from running. "Why did you run," Asked Gabbie. "Because Daniel and Jonah saw me and asked what I had so I ran," Ashley said handing me the bag still out of breath. "Don't worry Y/N we're here for you no matter what," Yelled Esther and Ava nodded her head in agreement. "Yes that kid will have a awesome mom," Said Syndie. You walked in the restroom with the nerves all over you. 10 mintues later you walked outside with the test in your hand. "Soo?!" Said Ashley getting off the chair as the girls followed her. "You guys are gonna be aunts," You said smiling threw the tears.

It was 7:30 A.M when you were woken up by an alram. "Ugh 5 more minutes," You whined completely forgetting about your wedding day. You turned off your alram and went back to sleep. "Y/N were going to be late!" You heard someone say as they banged on your bedroom door. You fell of your bed with the blanket, and getter up quickly to check the door. You opened the door to see Christiana carrying your wedding dress and heels. Myta and Reese carrying makeup bags. Gabbie and Tate holding to baskets, one was holding flowers and bows while the other one had their bridesmaid dresses and Reese flower girl dress. "Y/N we thought you weren't going to show up," Said Tate dropping the basket near your bed and picking up your blanket. "Show up to what?" You asked rubbing your eyes and picked up to glasses to see everyone. "Your wedding with Zach," said Reese laughing at the fact you forgot your own wedding. You stood there shocked for a few moments and then realized you still had to do other things. "My wedding," You yelled as you ran to the restroom to take a quick shower. "Y/N don't worry you still have 4 more hours to go," Said Myta laughing at you as well as the other girls. "As Y/N would say that's not enough time," Christiana and Gabbie said mocking you. "HA very funny," You said annoyed at them. "But hurry up Y/N," Said Tate as they started to set up everything.
(His POV)
I woke up to the boys around my bed throwing confetti and rice. "What the hell are you idiots doing?" I asked throwing them the pieces of rice on my bed. "You're getting married today we need to practice for later today," Said Corbyn throwing some more rice. "You guys are idiots," I said laughing at them. I stood up from the bed and walked to my bathroom. With the boys still following me. "So you're about to get married how does that feel?" Asked Jack moving out of the way so I could wash my hands. "Honestly I cannot wait to see Y/N walk down that aisle," I said daydreaming about my beautiful girlfriend. "Aww I can't with you guys," Said Zach with a baby voice making us laugh. "We should get going the chruch is two hours away," Said Daniel looking at the watch. We grabbed our things and head to the chruch. When we arrived I saw Esther walking up to the stairs with makeup bags. "Hey Jo," She said waving at me. I rushed towards her to help her with the bags. "Hey let me help," I said taking some bags away from her. We walked into the chruch and I heard Y/N laughing at a joke Svea had said. "Can I just look at Y/N for a second?!" I asked hoping Esther could say 'yes'. "No Jonah you know the rules. Plus mom and Mrs.Y/L/N are in there so they wouldn't let you. "No go get ready! The wedding is in 3 hours!" Esther said yelling at me, and also taking the bags away. I walked away disappointed at the answer I was given, but even more excited to see Y/N.

"Oh yes Y/N that highlight on fleek,"Said Anna as she applied some on herself. You chuckled at her and let the makeup artist do her thing. "So you all wanna know something I heard from Corbyn?" Said Christiana as she finished from zipping up her dress. "What?!" We all screamed and looked at her. "That Daniel got-" Christiana stopped half way threw her sentence. "Nevermind it's a surprise after all," Said Christiana as she walked to Tate to do hair. "Wow Chrisitiana you troll," You said laughing. "Come on tell us," Said Gabbie and Anna at the same time. "Okay but you can't tell Y/N," Said Christiana as she went closer to the girl. "What about me?" You asked whining like a 2 year old. Christiana and the girls were not located in the back of the room laughing and screaming at what Christiana had just told them. They walked back to you excited at the thought of what Christiana told them a few seconds ago. "Your so lucky Y/N," Gabbie said as she patted your back. "I can't believe my brother would do something like that," Said Anna after Gabbie had spoken. "I hate u," You pointed to Christiana as she sat down to get her makeup done. Your mom walked in a few moments later with the same face the girls had when they found out the news. "Oh my god did you guys hear what Daniel has planned for Y/N," Yelled your mom as he ran into the room. "Mom stop," You yelled getting annoyed at the fact that everyone knew expect you. "I'm leaving," You said after your makeup was done. "But what about your dress?!" Asked Tate and your mom. "I'll be back later," You said angrily making them all laugh behind you. You left the room and started walking around the chruch. You sat down scrolling threw your phone. "Hey," You heard a voice behind you speak which made you turn around. You smiled at seeing who it was. "You look gorgeous," Said Daniel as he walked closer to you. "Your not supposed to see me," You whined getting closer to him. "Am sorry," Daniel said while covering his eyes with his hands. "Your such a goof ball," You said laughing at him and kissing his lips, while his hands still over his eyes. " I have to go but see you later," You said hugging him and walking away. "Bye baby," Daniel said behind you.
(His POV)
"This isn't right," I yelled at the boys as we were leaving the house. They all started laughing. "I thought Y/N was supposed to be the one getting mad today," Said Jonah making the rest laugh even harder. "Shut up," I yelled at Jonah picking up the nearest shoe and throwing it at him. "You guys don't understand the pressure I feel," I said as I walked to the couch. "Of course we don't were not the ones getting married, nobody wants us," Said Zach following me to the living room as the other boys did. "I have to make this day perfect for Y/N and I already messed it up," I said throwing myself on the couch. "You didn't ruin anything," Said Corbyn "Yea all you did was break her heal but that could totally be fixed," Said Daniel picking up Y/N broken heal. "You know what she trusted me with one thing and I let her down," I said covering my face with my hands. "Buddy don't do that to yourself," Said Jonah "Yea everyone makes mistakes," Said Corbyn taking the shoe from Daniel and walking to the kitchen. "We could put some glue on it and it will look new," Said Zach following Corbyn to the Kitchen. "Let's get the glue!" Yelled Jonah running to catch up with the boys, leaving me alone with Daniel. "Okay now what's actually wrong?" Asked Daniel knowing that this wasn't about the shoe. "If I let her down with this imagine what else I let her down for," I said with my eyes tearing up. "What if she leaves me Daniel?" I asked with the tears now following down my face. "Hey don't ever think that Y/N loves you. Even if she was on drugs she would never leave you. What made you think that?" Daniel asked sitting down next to me. "I honestly have no clue," I said sniffing and wiping the tears off my eyes before the boys came. "Don't think that ever Y/N isn't like that," Daniel said before the boys came running in with the heal all fixed. "See brand new," Said Corbyn while wearing the heal to prove that it wouldn't break, which made Daniel and I laugh. "Now off to the wedding," I said while getting up from the couch and walking to the door.

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