Finding Out (Pregancy Series)

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"Oh hell nah," You said out loud when you looked at the calendar, your period was a week late. You weren't pregnant, you couldn't be. You had been on birth control for the past 3 months, and it worked prefect, until now. "What's wrong?" Asked Corbyn when he  walked into the room. "Um nothing," You acting as if nothing had happened. "You sure? You have the 'hell nah' look on your face," Corbyn said laying down on the bed next to you. "Yea I just read some ummm," You couldn't think of anything to say. "I read some fanfic about us," You couldn't think of anything celever, and that was the first thing to pop into your head. Corbyn chuckled and snuggled into your chest. 'What if I am pregnant,'You thought to myself while Corbyn fell asleep. After a while of reading some google reports about being pregnant, you decided you need to take a test. You got up from bed and quietly walked into the restroom. You opened some cabinets to see if I had any tests. "Where are they?!" You  whispered in frustration. "Ha found you," you said after looking for atleast 5 mintues. You took the test and waited for my results. You got in the bathtub, biting your nails from the nerves. You heard the test beep which meant it was ready. You quickly turned it over to see a positive sign. You immediately burst into tears of happiness. You couldn't believe it. You always thought being a parent would be a horrible thing, but now all you left was happiness. You laid in the bathtub for a good 20 mintues, thinking of how you would tell Corbyn. You finally had an idea and got up from the bathtub, leaving the test in there. "Corbyn come," You told him from the door way of the restroom. "Why?!" Corbyn asked whining not wanting to leave the bed. "Please baby," I told him throwing a shirt at him. "Fine," He finally stood up and walked into the restroom. "What's wrong," Corbyn asked rubbing his eyes. "I think there is a spider in the bathtub,"I told him pointing to the tub. Corbyn walked to the bathtub still with his sleepy face on. "Y/N I don't see no spi-" Corbyn stopped in the middle of his sentence and turned to look at you. "Stop your lying," Said Corbyn as he got the test from the bathtub floor. "I'm not a baby is in here," I told him with tears falling from my eyes and pointing to my stomach. Corbyn quickly ran to me and kissed me. "Thank you," Said Corbyn was he bent down to kiss my stomach.

Something was wrong with you and you knew it. You period was 2 weeks late, and it has never been late. You were eating lots of food for a random reason, something was wrong but you didn't know what. Last time me and Zach had sex was almost 2 months ago, before he left for tour. You picked up your phone and called your sister. "Hey Y/S/N I need your help," you told her laying down on my bed. "Sure what is it?" "Buy me a pregnancy test," you told her hoping she wouldn't freak out. "Your kidding," She said threw the phone with a serious tone. "Please Y/S/N," I begged hoping she would say yes. "Okay I'll be at your place in a hour," She said hanging up the phone. I gor up from the bed and walked to the restroom mirror. You looked at your belly then back at the mirror. "Damn," You mumbled noticing your stomach was bigger. You heard your phone ring and you ran to go get it. "Hello?" You asked picking up the phone. "Hey babe," Said Zach which brought some fear to you. "Hey Zach," You told him with panic thinking he found out. "You okay you sound nervous?" You knew that you needed to tell Zach sooner or later, so might as well do it now you thought. "Zach I need to tell you something," You said with tears forming in your eyes. "I-" You immediately stopped when you heard your sister knocking in the front door: "I love you bye," You told him hanging up the phone. You ran to the door, and took the bag from your sister. "Good to see you too," Said your sister with sarcasm behind you. After a few moments you walked outside with the test in your hands. "So?!" Asked your sister getting off the couch and walking toward you. "I don't know. I can't tell," You said turning the test around to read it. Y/S/N took the test from you. "Y/N your pregnant," Said Y/S/N looking at you. "Stop," I said sitting on the couch. She nodded her head that I was and I quickly ran to get my laptop to facetime Zach. "Hey baby have you been crying?!" Asked Zach getting alramed, my eyes were red from crying happy tears. I told Y/S/N to give me the test and I quickly showed Zach. "What is that- your pregnant?!" Asked Zach freaking out. I nodded my head and immediately Zach started scre and cheering. "I love you so much," Said Zach as he went to call the boys to tell them the good news.

You and Jonah have now been married for 3 years, but you weren't trying at the moment. You were at a party that Christiana and Corbyn were throwing for their son Carter who was turning 2. "Take a test it won't be so bad," Said Gabbie when you told her how you was feeling. I sighed and nodded in agreement because I knew she was right. "Let me call Christiana," Sais Gabbie as she went off to find Christiana who was with Corbyn in the kitchen. You sat down in the empty hallway away from the people especially Jonah. You didn't know how he would feel. You two decided not to have kids until atleast 5 years into the marriage or until you were ready. "There's the pregnant lady," Yelled Christiana as she walked towards me. I gave her the 'be quite' look and she stopped. "I know it's scary but trust me it's all worth it," Said Christiana looking at Carter play with the boys. "Come on lets take the test before the boys know were gone," Gabbie told us and we hurried to the bathroom. "Okay we will stay outside. I have some down there in a box take as many as you want," Christiana said giving me and smile and closing the door. I took 3 tests just in case. "Y/N are you done. Jonah is looked for you," Said Gabbie knocking on the door. "Yea hurry before he thinks anything," Said Christiana after Gabbie. I walked out of the restroom with both tests in my hand. "So?" Gabbie and Christiana asked in sync. "I'm pregnant," You told them still trying to process everything. "There you are," Said Jonah in relief when he saw you. "I need to talk to you," You told him looking at the floor scard of thinking he might leave. "We will be outside," Said Christiana and Gabbie followed her outside. You handed Jonah the test and sat on the sink. "You're pregnant?" Asked Jonah rising an eyebrow. All you could do was nodded. You expected Jonah to be mad, but instead he kissed your cheek. "It's sooner than planned but I'm still happy." Jonah told you with a huge smile on his face. "I love you," Jonah told you kissing your lips with a passionate kiss. "And I also love you," Jonah bent down and kissed your a very small bump on your stomach.

Daniel was a kid, you were still a kid, and the both of you having a kid didn't seem like such a good idea. Daniel and you have been engaged for a year already, and weren't planning on kids any time soon. You sat down on your couch trying to breath to clam yourself. You had taken 5 pregnancy tests and they all came back positive. You reached over to your phone and quickly called your mom. "Hey honey," Said your mom in a cheerful voice which calmed you down a bit. "Mom I need your help," You whispered just in case Daniel came home from the store. "Why? Are you okay?" You noticed your mom was scard. "Mom I'm pregnant," You said with your heart pumping fast. "What?" You heard a voice behind you, you turned around to see Daniel in complete shock. "Mom I have to go bye," You hung up the phone also leaving your mom in complete shock. "You- You're with child?!" Asked Daniel trying to gather his thoughts. "Daniel calm down your red," You moved Daniel to the couch and sat him down. "How long have you known?" Asked Daniel looking at you with disbelief. "A few hours," You said showing him the test. "Damn your serious," Daniel gave you a nervous chuckle and kissed you. "You're not mad?" You asked pulling away. "Why would I be mad I'm going to be a dad," Yelled Daniel at the top of his lungs hugging you. "I love you so much Y/N," Daniel said giving you another kiss. "I love you too," You told him pulling him in for a hug.

According to the doctors you could never get pregnant. And of course that made some conflicts between you and Jack marriage. Both of you have been trying for at least 3 years to get pregnant, and every time was a disappointment. "I'm not gonna get my hopes up," I yelled at Jack from the restroom as I opened the box. "Why not this could be it Y/N," Jack said as he went to the restroom. "My period has been late before that could be it," You told Jack finding an explanation to all of this. "Yea how about the vomiting?" "I could have just had food poisoning," I told him with a straight face. "Yea and what about having all this Symptoms at the same time? What does that mean?" Jack finally got you, you couldn't find an excuse for this. "Whatever Avery," You closed the restroom door and did your business. You walked out with nothing in your hands. "What happened?" Asked Jack when he saw I walked with nothing out. "It needs to beep to know it's ready," You told him as you sat next to him. "Y/N I just want you to know I love you no matter what," Jack said holding your hands. "I love you too," You kissed his cheeks then heard the test peep. You and Jack walked to the restroom holding hands. "Okay..1..2..3," You flipped the test over to reveal a positive sign. "Your-We're pregnant," Yelled Jack in excitement. You were in shook, you were ready to see the negative sign, but no a baby was in your belly.

A/N- I know I started one a long time ago but I never finished it so I started a new one. Hope you enjoy :)

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