The Vows (Wedding Series)

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"Y/N..In you, I have found a friend and the love of my life. You are beautiful inside and out, I feel honored to be your husband. I love your hair in the morning, and your excitement for small things. When I met you I knew you were the one for me. You have become such huge part of me, I'm happy I met you. I know you feel the same way about me and that's the best feeling in the world. I love you more than anything Mrs.Besson."

"I've been dreaming of this day since I was a little girl. Someone as handsome and caring as you are. I love you more than words and gestures could describe. At this moment I vow to love you and cherish you until the day I die. You are my lover and best friend.. and from this moment on my husband. I can't imagine my life without you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, I love you. And I'm pregnant just to let you know."

"When I met you I automatically fell in love. The way you smiled in that room made me feel those butterflies in my stomach, girls always talk about. You make me want to be a better man everyday of my life. You are honestly the most beautiful girl alive, inside and out. I'm happy I found someone that makes my mom proud. I love you Y/N Herron."

"I remember being a 14 year old fan saying I was going to marry you, and now I am. I love you more than words could describe. I still can't believe your mine. I wish my mom could be here to see the man I have chosen. When I met you I was getting in trouble by a cop for running and yelling in a street, and I would do it all over again just to meet you. I'm so in love with everything about you."

"I love absolutely everything about you. The way you laugh, and the way yours eyes sparkle. Before I met you, I didn't believe that loving someone could be so strong. Now I know I can't live without you. You are beautiful, smart, funny and the most caring person ever. I appreciate every single boy that broke yoir heart before me, because now your mine forever. I vow to treat you like the princess you are and to love you with all my strength."

"I never knew I could love someone this much. You came into my life out of nowhere and thought me what true love is. I'm happy I got lost that day if not I wouldn't have met you. Today at this moment I vow to be her for you no matter what. I promise to be the best wife and great mom to our future family. I want to life with you, love with you and most important grow old with you."

"I can't believe I'm looking into the eyes of my wife. You are not just beautiful, but also caring and just great in general. Sure we had our ups and downs during our journey, but it was sure worth all the pain. We should eachother how to love and have patience with eachother. I love you more than my own life."

"I still cannot believe I'm becoming your wife. Sure when I first met you I had my doubts, but I'm glad I didn't listen to my head. You became my greatest treasure in this world fulled with cruelty. When I'm with you I feel face and happy. You honestly are the kindest human ever. I thank you for having patience with me and not giving up on me. I love you to the moon and back."

"And to think I wasn't going to call you back.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have learned to love my flaws and my fake curly hair. I always believed in true love and all you did was make me believe even more. I'm thankful that you walked into my life and haven't given up on me. I honestly do love you more than anything else in the world. You have made me the better man I am today. Once again I love you so much."

"Thank you. You have made me smile when I cry, and have made me laugh until I cry. Thank you for making my parents proud and making me proud. Because of you I feel that life is worth living. You showed me that everything happens for a reason and that everything led me to this moment. I will never fail you, and will love you unconditionally until the day my heart gives up. I love you Jack Avery."

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