Labor Part 1

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"Get this baby out of me!" You yelled in frustration as you layed in bed feeling so uncomfortable. Before you could yell once again, Corbyn rolled over and covered your mouth. "Y/N I'm trying to sleep." Corbyn said still with his hand on your mouth. You removed his hand and placed your hand on his mouth. "I'm 39 weeks and this baby is still not out so if you can't help me get her out then don't argue with me Besson." You said as you removed your hand and got out of bed. "Where you going?" Corbyn asked looking at you confused. "Ima look for someone to have sex with me since I heard that helps." You said laughing while looking at Corbyn who didn't looked amused at all. "Corbyn please let's have sex so I could get over with this." You said as you made your way back to bed. "No Y/N." Corbyn said as he covered himself with the blanket to go back to sleep. After trying to convince him which felt like forever. You decided to take matters into your own hands. You got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. "We have peppers and umm pineapple." You said to yourself as you looked through the kitchen. "Ready or not you're coming out tonight Willow." You said as you ate up all the food. You stayed downstairs a little longer hoping you could go into labor, but nothing happened. Finally you gave up and went to bed. The next morning you woke up and you didn't feel no contractions. "Willow come out!" You said again in frustration. "Baby you're scaring her. That's why she's not out." Corbyn said laughing while all you did was give him an annoyed look. "Why don't we just eat spicy food." "We? I'm positive you aren't the one with a human in you." "Y/N I'm trying to help!" Corbyn said getting annoyed of you being moody. "You started this Corbyn! Now be a man and finish it! Just have sex with me!" You said knowing damn you sounded desperate as hell. "Wow that really turned me on. I really want to make love to you." Corbyn said being sarcastic. "What are you a girl? I just want sex!" You said once again. You could tell Corbyn was getting fed up by the way he kept touching his face. "Oops my phone fell." You said in a sexy voice as you dropped you phone then tried to bend down and get it but couldn't due to the belly. "Y/N stop." Corbyn said but you still tried to get the phone. "Almost there." You said as you continued to get the phone. Corbyn couldn't even believe you were taking things this far just to have sex. "Ah! I got it!" You yelled with excitement as you showed Corbyn the phone. "Sexy." "Now lets do the dirty!" You said as you waved your phone in front of him. Corbyn just shook his head and said no you couldn't believe it. "You literally suck! All I want is to have sex and you don't wanna! I'm offering myself to you! Take me!" Use me I don't ca-" But before you could finish Corbyn have you a passionate kiss which made both of you fall on the bed. As the kiss got hotter you felt a liquid run down your thigh. Corbyn stopped kissing you and you looked straight at him. "My water broke." You said as Corbyn got up and started looking for the hospital bag and you put your shoes on. "Come on Y/N." Corbyn said as he helped you up from the bed and go downstairs. "We have everything?" Corbyn said as he looked around. "Yea we do." You said as you opened the door. "We're having a baby." You said as you kissed Corbyn and headed out the door.

You didn't sleep all night knowing that in 6 hours you would be cut open to get the triplets out of you and honestly you weren't scared you were excited. Excited to see the 3 little humans that have been growing in you for the past 35 weeks. "Excited?" Zach asked as he rolled over to be face to face with you. "Yes! I just want it to be 7 already." You said as you looked at your phone hoping it would magically make it 7. "It sucks how long they'll be in the hospital," Zach said getting sad at the fact that the triplets were going to be in the hospital for a month before they could come home. "It's worse for some people. Triplets could be in the hospital up to 2 months." You said as you gently touched your belly just wanting the babies out so you could see them and kiss them and say how much you love them. "Can't believe we're teen parents with triplets." Zach said laughing which made you laugh. "Get sleep." Zach said after kissing
your cheek. Even after that you still couldn't sleep from all the excitement and nerves. After thinking about the triplets somehow you dozed off. "Wake up Y/N or we'll be late." You heard Zach say as he kissed you trying to wake you up. "It's 5:15 come on Y/N." "I'm up. I'm up." You said as you shot out of bed and started getting yourself ready for the best day of your life. "I'll put the things in the car." Zach said as he carried down your hospital bag and the triplets hospital bag. You started looking around the room just to make sure you had everything when you heard a loud crash coming down stairs. You rushed to the hallway to see Zach on the floor with his ankle bone out. "Zach are you okay?!" You asked as you tried your best to make it down the stairs. "I'm fine Y/N don't worry." Zach said as he tried to get up but would stumble back down. "I'm calling my mom." You said as you called her but she wouldn't pick up. "Y/N don't panic. Everything will be fine." Zach said as he tried to keep you under control. "Your parents won't answer either." You said as you got voicemail. "I'm going to have to carry you to the car." You said not really knowing how this would work out. "Y/N I could walk!" Zach yelled as you walked out the house carrying the hospital bags and putting them in the back seat. Once you walked back into the house you saw Zach trying to stand up while holding the stairwell. "Zach stop!" You said as you rushed to him and helped him to the car. "I'm driving you can't drive with your belly." Zach said as you sat him next on the passenger seat. "And you can't drive with a broke leg." You said as you walked around the car. "I honestly didn't imagine this day going like this. I should be helping you not the other way around." Zach said as he looked at you with sorrow all over his face. "Hey it's fine things usually don't go to plan." You said as you tried to kiss Zach but you couldn't due to the belly. "Now let's get to the hospital." You said as you started the car and drove off. As you stopped at a red light you turned around and saw the 3 car seats in the back. You felt happy knowing that soon you'll see them. "See you soon babies." You mumbled as you looked over at Zach who was looking at his now purple ankle. "I love you." You said to Zach. He looked up and smiled. "I love you more then anything in this universe." He said wanting to kiss you but the light turned green.

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