Godparents (Pregnancy Series)

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Godparents has been an important topic for you and Corbyn since you both found out you were expecting. Both of you wanted someone responsible but also to love your daughter through her life time. After such a long time you and Corbyn had finally picked out 2 people. "Okay we have you here today because we need to tell you something." Corbyn said as he sat down next to the godparents. They nodded their head waiting for both of you to continue. "We want both of you to be Willows godparents." You said looking at their shocked faces. "Really?! Y/N I would love too!" Yelled Tate with excitement as she got up to hug you. "Jonah?" Corbyn asked as Jonah sat there shocked. "Of course I'll be Willow godparent." Jonah said getting up to hug both of you. "Good." You said smiling as you received Daniel hug. "Tate and Jonah thank you so much." You said as you walked them out the door. "No problem this is great." Tate said as she walked towards her car. "I already love that little Besson so no problem." Jonah said as he got in his car. "Bye!" You and Corbyn said as they drove away.

Before you went into labor you wanted to make sure everything was ready and picking out Godparents for the triplets was the major priority for Zach. You had called Gabbie and Jack over to discuss if they wanted to be Godparents to the triplets. Gabbie had done so much for you during the pregnancy you felt as if you owed it to her. "Hey!" Gabbie said as she walked through the door Jack following behind her. After talking for awhile you and Zach decided it was time to tell them. "Gabbie I wanted to thank you for all the help you gave me throughout this pregnancy. I wanted to ask-" You stopped at looked over at Zach to finish the sentence. "Would both of you like to be the triplets Godparents?" Zach asked as soon as he said that Gabbie and Jack yelled 'Yes!' with excitement.

"Esther and Zach we have you here for a huge important question." Jonah said as he sat Zach and Esther down. You sat on the couch across from them nervous to ask the question. "Esther you're a great and loving person and you also have so much responsibility in you." Jonah said looking at his sister. "And for you Zach you always know how to make people smile and always give love out." "So what we wanted to ask is if both of you would like to be Hunter Godparents?" You said getting up from the couch. "Yes!" Zach yelled jumping on Jonah. "I would love to be my nephew Godparent." Esther said tearing up. "Awesome." You said smiling.

Since Christiana, Tate and Gabbie both lived far away from California they didn't seem like a good idea for Godparents and they you guys thought about Kay and Zach they we're still young to be given a huge responsibility. So after months and months of trying to pick Godparents you and Daniel finally agreed on two. "Anna!" You yelled as she walked in the house. "How are my two beautiful nieces." Anna asked as she bent down to kiss your belly. "Great." You said smiling. "Where's Chris?" Daniel asked as he looked for his brother. "He couldn't make it." Anna said sitting on the couch. "Welk since he's not here I'll have to call him later." Daniel said closing the door. "Anna we wanted to ask if you would be the twins Godmother?" You said. "Yea!" Anna said before jumping off her seat to hug both you and Daniel.

Christiana and Corbyn. They were the best candidates for this. Without a doubt Jack trusted Mitcheal life with Corbyn and you believed that Christiana would make an incredible Godmother. Since both of them were currently in New York you and Jack facetime them one night to ask them the question. "Hey beautiful!" Christiana said answering the phone call. "Hey princess!" You said back. "Is Corbyn there?" Jack asked since he didn't see Corbyn at all. "Yea he's right here." Christiana said as she moved the camera to see Corbyn waving at us. "I wanted to ask if you guys would be Mitcheal Godparents?" There was a moment of silence as Corbyn and Christiana looked at eachother. "Fuck yes!" Christiana yelled with excitement. "Yea I would love that!" Corbyn said running towards the camera.

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