You're uncomfortable/Sore (Pregnancy Series)

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(A/N- Sorry that there short and that there not so good I'm literally working on them during my 4th period since we have a sub and after school I have a waterpolo practice so I won't be able to work on them.)

"Corbyn I needed a break." I said as I sat down on a near by bench. "You're out of breath?" Corbyn asked as he got water out of the backpack. "My feet hurt from walking too much." I said taking off the sandals. Corbyn and I decided to walk at a nearby park but now you knew that was a horrible idea. "I can't wait until she's out." You said feeling the pain in your feet. "Want me to carry you to the car?" Corbyn asked putting the backpack on the floor. "I'm okay thanks." I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Just tell me when you feel better." Corbyn said before he started sing to you.

Your back hurt. Whenever you tried to move it was a pain shot through your body. "Here let me take you to bed." Zach said as he walked you towards the bed. "My backs hurts to much." You said as you sat on the bed. "Y/N this pregnancy will be over soon don't worry." Zach said as he layed me down in bed. You looked over a your huge belly that covered everything that was in front of you. "I guess you're right but one day it's my back next his my legs." You said once again starting to feel the tears in your eyes. "Baby this is almost over and you're doing this for our babies so don't worry." Zach said kissing your forehead.

You couldn't sleep. You felt so uncomfortable you just kept on moving and moving. You felt bad for Jonah so you got up and started walking towards the the guest room. In the morning you woke up so Jonah sitting in front of you. "Where were you last night?" Jonah asked as he ran his hand through your hair. "I felt bad for moving throughout the night so I got up and moved." You said rubbing your eyes from the sunlight coming in the room. "You didn't have to move Y/N." "I was completely fine with you moving." Jonah said adding on to his previous sentence. "I know but I felt so uncomfortable and didn't want you walking up." You said once again. "I don't care if you wake me up throughout the night you're carrying my kid." Jonah said kissing your cheek and helping you out of bed to go eat breakfast.

You woke up feeling pain in your feet. You decided to walk downstairs to get yourself a cup of water when Daniel walked downstairs and hugging you from behind. "My feet are killing me." You said as you walk to the couch leaving Daniel behind. "Want me to give you massage?" Daniel said as he sat in front of you putting your feet on his knee. "Yes please." You said as you relaxed. "How did I get so lucky?" You said as you staring at Daniels. "No how did I get so lucky?" Daniel said as he stopped rubbing your feet and got up to kiss you. "I got my beautiful twins and my gorgeous fiancé." Daniel said as you placed your head on his shoulder.

You left huge and super uncomfortable. You sat on the couch and you kept moving around. "Woah clam down Y/N." Jack said as you almost dropped the bowl if popcorn to the floor. "I feel so uncomfortable." You whined as you got up from the couch and decided to walk around the backyard. "Hey it's completely normal to see like this when you're 8 months pregnant." Jack said as he walked with you. "Sometimes I feel like it annoys you." You said looking at the floor. Suddenly Jack stopped walking and lifted your head up. "Baby that will never annoy me." Jack said as he placed a kiss on your lips.

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