Your daughter has a crush on one of the boys//why dont we

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"So Maya, do you have a celebrity crush?" the interviewer asked the 3-year old. Zach had taken her with him backstage interview while you were home taking care of your sick sons Louis and James. "I do" Maya whispers not wanting her father to hear "Who's that" Zach smirked, raising an eyebrow. "My uncle Jack " she squeals before she continued "He's got a cute smile and his hair reminds me of a noddles , so my celebrity crush is my Uncle Jack" she smiles, before crawling onto Jack lap as Jack squeezes her into an embrace "I've been replaced" Zach cries, putting his head in his hands " Don't worry daddy, I still love you" she confirms, kissing her fathers cheek.

Daniel- "Who's your crush?" Daniel shouts surprised at the 4 year-old Emma. "Uncle Zach. He's soft and Cuddly and sings good" she confirms smiling. Zach smiles from behind, wrapping the little girl in a massive hug." I love him so much, So please daddy. Can uncle zach be my boyfriend?" she asks for Zach arms. "I'll have to talk to your uncle Zach alone but if he makes you happy we can work something out" Daniel smiles snatching your daughter away into his arms were she will always be safe. "Daddy!" your daughter whines as her dad steals her away from her "boyfriend."

Jonah- "So Daniel is your boyfriend ay?" Jonah laughs as he buckles the 4 year-old princess in her car seat "Mm" she confirms "So your stealing my best mate?" Jonah states, tickling her. "No daddy, Am not stealing Daniel were getting married silly" she giggles "sure" Jayden says sarcastically "He's already married to Auntie Kate" (made up a name🤷‍♀️) Lucas confirms. Nikki crosses her arms, brows kint in frustration with her brothers. "Alright baby girl. Dont listen to them" Jonah reassures her pecking her forehead. "Trust me Nikki, you have me and your the best in my book" he whispered making her smile. " Now lets go see Nick's boyfriend" Jonah smirks at his daughter and then eyes the boys who try to hide their laughter.

Corbyn- "Daddy when are we leaving to see Uncle Jonah?" Eleanor ask her father. "Baby you have asked 10 times already what's the rush?" Corbyn ask, who is cuddling with Ivy, flipping threw a book with her. "She wants to see her boyfriend" you confirm, preparing Ivy baby bag."What boyfriend? No,no,no! What did I say about boyfriends young lady. Not until you're 40 or until am dead"  Corbyn frantically explains. Eleanor just stands there with those brown puppy dog eyes. "Don't do that" Corbyn says, gazing back at the book. Once you arrive at the Marais residence, Eleanor is already huddled up to Jonah much to her father dismay. " At least I still have a chance with my baby girl" Corbyn smiles to Ivy. "Treat my baby girl right Marais, I'm warning you." Corbyn laughs.

Jack-"I have a boyfriend" Tessa chants in a sing song voice. "Excuse me?" Jack huffs at the cheery six year old."Corbyn took me to Mcdonals today and he gave me this bracelet" she says showing off the candy bracelet. "Then I guess that me and Corbyn need to have a little chat" Jack smirks pretending to be serious. "No! The last time Erick came over you scard him away and that can't happen with Corbyn I love him daddy!" she cries, over dramatically as always, Jack just laughs at her meltdown before kneeling in front of his daughter "Then lets find that boyfriend of yours shall we?" He smiles, kissing her cheek. She climbs on his back as he gives her a piggyback ride around the studio but quickly runs off as soon as she spots Corbyn "That blonde hair seduce my daughter Besson. Stay away from the rest of my daughters". He demands leaving them to have thier 'romantic moment'.

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