First Kick//why dont we

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Zach- "We can take her to the park and I'll push her on the swings and you can suprise us with ice cream...." "And what makes you think I will do that?," you chuckled. "I don't know maybe because you love us both." "I do very much." Zach lied next to you and continued talking to you but you stopped listening halfway. You left a kick, hitting against your stomach. "Y/N you listening" You turned to Zach anf put his hand on your stomach. "What? What's..." He stopped himself and then felt the baby kick. "She's kicking!!" he exclaimed. "Yeah I know." "She stopped why did she stop?" "Keep talking." "Hey babygirl am your daddy. You know how happy you make me when you kick. Yo make me very happy and excited for you to come." You felt the baby kick again which made Zach's face lit up. "She like the sound of your voice," you whispered. He nodded and kissed your baby bump. "I love you princess," he whispered against your stomach.

Corbyn- You watched as Corbyn stood in the recording studio, doing what he does best.
"How's my little nephew doing," Daniel asked sitting next to you. "He's doing great, he is heal.." you stopped yourself as you felt a small kick on your stomach. Daniel must have noticed something was wrong because he became worried about you. "Is something wrong? Are you okay? Want me to get Corbyn?" You nodded and you watched as he ran to Corbyn. Yo watch Daniel whispered something in Corbyn hear, he was immediately running to your side. "What's wrong," "He's kicking" you said as a tear fell on your cheek.
"He is he really is!" He smiled and kissed your baby bump. Soon enough all the boys were all around you touching your baby bump.

Jonah- You woke up one morning feeling Jonah leaving light kisses on your stomach. You began to giggle as it started tickling. "What are you doing werido," you asked "Trying to make the baby kick, I read that after 18 weeks baby should start kicking." "And." "And the baby still hasn't kicked yet, So am trying to get it to kick." He began to kiss you again but he stopped and looked up to you. "Did you feel that?" You asked he nodded. He kissed your stomach again which made him kick again. "Now I know how to make her kick" he said on your stomach. "He feels excited," you said feeling him kick again. He laughed before crawling back next to you kissing your lips.

Jack- You shifted uncomfortably as you sat om the couch trying to relax. "Here you go love" Jack said to you handing you a cup of tea. "Thank you" you smiled before placing it on your stomach. "How are you feeling. Are those two girls giving you any trouble," he asked lifting your feet and sitting next to you. "They are not doing anything am just tried and sore." "I know baby but—" He cut himself off wheb he saw the cup move, you feeling on of the babies kick. "There kicking" you shrieked. You took the cup off your stomach placed in on the table and put Jack hands on your stomach. "Wow, does it hurt when they do that" jack asked still looking at your baby bump. "No it tickles" you said chuckling, jack kissed your stomach and said "I love you girls" he said and kissed your lips.

Daniel- You stretched as you grabbed a plate from the cabinet. As you grabbed it, you lost your grib on it which made in break into 10 pieces on the floor, you grabbed your York stomach. Daniel came running to the kitchen quickly. "Y/N you okay is the baby okay," he asked "Come here" you said not answering his question. "Y/N i need to" "Just get your ass over here" you said. He stepped around the broken glass, you got his hands and placed them on your stomach. "No way! The baby is kicking" you nodded and he smiled kissing your stomach. "Maybe we should take you to lagan house more often so she could kick" he said kissing your stomach. You giggled at what he said. "I love you baby" he said against your baby bump.

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