A Second Chance

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Author's Note

Wow, it's been a while since I've done one of these! So Hey! I'm J Wolf Silver and welcome to Scars of Our Past (Scars for short). I know I'm usually writing RWBY but I really wanted to write this one! Yes, I like MLP. Sunset happens to be my favorite character. Don't worry though, I will return with RWBY soon! Anyway, read and I have more to say after you're done!


She wasn't sure what was or had happened. One moment, she had everything she wanted, the next, it was too much. It consumed her very being, taking over, trapping her in her own darkness. It burned. She didn't want it, not like this. What got her to this point she didn't know.

Much to her relief, the Princess and her friends shut her down, dispelling all the power and dark magic she had obtained. She was grateful but now all that was left was a shell of a girl who once had everything...almost everything. She knew that.

In that moment, as the Princess helped her to her feet, she realized that all of that power was never what she truly needed. Now, she had to figure out what she did need.

As if natural to her, Sunset apologized for the first time in over six years and she truly meant it. The looks anger and disgust the students gave her however, told her that there was no forgiveness to be had.

Frowning, she looked around to see the damage she had caused. There was no way Principal Celestia would allow her to remain at CHS after this. To be honest, she wouldn't be surprised if Celestia called the police or sent her back through the portal for Princess Twilight and Celestia to deal with. She had dug her grave and now she has to lie in it.

Once the Princess and the other students had returned to the gym, Vice-principal Luna Tasked her, snips and snails to clean up the mess and start to re-build the front of the school with the brick that sat in the storage shed for the construction class. It did match, though.

Her back stung but Sunset payed no attention to it, only focusing on the task at hand, she would handle the pain later.

After a while of laying mortar and placing bricks, Principal Celestia came out and relieved Snips and Snails from cleaning, giving them a week of in school suspension and a promised phone call to their parents. Sunset knew that the Principal would giving an altered version of the story. No one would believe what had really happened.

For another half hour, Sunset worked in silence, wincing every timed she shifted her back. She didn't notice but Celestia watched her the entire time, studying her almost. Both of them shifted their attention as Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie all gathered around the portal to bid Princess Twilight and Spike farewell. Neither of them could hear what was being said but a few glances to Sunset made the girl cower behind the wall.

I really screwed up. She thought to herself. They all must hate me.

Sunset couldn't bring herself to look at them any longer and soon enough, Twilight passed through the portal just as it closed. The younger girl frowned, she was stuck for another thirty moons. However, she had never planned on going back to deal with Princess Celestia.

Celestia however, watched the girls and when they glanced over to sunset, there was no malice in their expressions. Just thoughtful looks, most likely towards what to do with said girl. Once they all dispersed for home, Celestia walked over to the fiery haired girl.

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