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Hey guys...

I'm sorry to say this but I really don't want to write this story anymore. I just don't like writing it. I've kinda just wanted to start a different book since my writing has definitely improved a lot. So since I'm not writing this book anymore I want you guys to vote on what I write.

Stiles book

A mutant girl who falls in love with Stiles. So basically like this book but the girl likes Stiles not Scott. Also a lot more crazy stuff that will keep you guys on your toes.

Scott book

Another book similar to this one just better written and different characters. Also some things different.

Nikki book

Nikki taking a different path. Kinda not the one I want to do but people have suggested I do this so if you want me to I'll write it.

Maze Runner book

The first girl and last person to come up but boy can she fight. She's like Thomas but on steroids. I've lowkey already started this book just saying.

Your book

You guys leave a comment of whatever type of story you want and maybe I'll write it. I'm not making promises though I just want to hear your guys' storylines and ill make sure to shout you out.

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