I Know What She Is

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{One week later: Friday}

Scott's first game went well, he controlled his shifting.

I wonder what his anchor is?

I managed to get a closer look at Allison's necklace.

I also got chased by hunters again.

I was chasing the alpha when they showed up, I almost had him.

Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Scott, and Stiles got trapped by the alpha in the school.

I had to go save them, it was hard because every exit was locked.

I ended up jumping through a window to finally get in.

They didn't see me but I got rid of the alpha so they could get out.

Lots of things happened in one week.

The dance is tomorrow night and I'm kinda excited.

I still have my suspicions about Liz but everyone thinks I'm crazy because she's so nice.

I have been searching through books and even online for the past week and still nothing.

I have so many books left to read, let's just say I've been reading non stop all week and I'm still in the C's.

I was up all night looking for something that can prove Liz is evil.

I sat at my desk reading a book on centaurs when Malia barged in.

"Nikki give it up. Liz is the nicest person ever, she can't possibly be an evil supernatural being." Malia said as I got up from my desk and got dressed.

"I'm going to prove you wrong, just wait and see." I said as I grabbed my backpack.

"Well until then we still have other things to do, like capturing the alpha." Malia said sternly.

"With the Argents in the way that won't happen." I said sternly.

"Just don't worry about Liz. She's great." Malia said with a smile.

"Oh come on. Who is that nice?" I snapped.

"Well if she's evil, then she's really good at hiding it." Malia said before we left my room.

"Maybe she is hiding it." I mumbled to myself as I followed Malia downstairs.


I sat in economics, unable to focus.

Malia's words replayed in my head all day.

That's when it hit me...

What supernatural being is good at hiding things?

A fox.

"Ibrido?" Coach said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked around to see everyone was staring at me.

"Can you tell me what the advantages and disadvantages of a narrow span of control are?" Coach asked making me nervous.

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