It's Jackson

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"It's not her." Stiles said sternly as we left the classroom.

"Stiles, she didn't pass the test, nothing happened." I said while we walked down the hall.

"No it can't be her." Stiles said trying to convince himself.

"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her. So either we can convince him he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her." Allison said as we all agreed.

"He won't do anything now, not at the school." Scott assured.

"So we have until 3 o'clock to prove to him that Lydia isn't the Kanima." I said.

"There could be something in the bestiary." Allison said, good thing I brought it.

"Oh you mean the 900 page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us can read? Yeah good luck with that." Stiles said sarcastically as I pulled the book out of my bag.

"Well we can't go to Lydia because she can't know about this but I know someone who might be able to translate it." I said as I handed the book to Allison.

"Go talk to Ms. Morrell she can help us." I said to her as she nodded before running off to Ms. Morrell's office.

"I could talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove it's not Lydia. But if anything happens, you guys let me handle it." Scott said making me worried.

"I'm not letting you talk to Derek alone." I said sternly.

"I don't want any of you getting hurt." Scott said as he looked at me.

"I can protect myself." I said while crossing my arms over my chest.

"What about last night? If I wasn't there you could have been killed." Scott said.

"Well if you would've came earlier I probably would've had the energy to have caught the Kanima." I snapped.

"I just don't want you getting hurt. Seriously if anything goes wrong, you call me. Okay?" Scott asked as I nodded before he ran off.

I heard sniffling behind me causing me to turn around to see Stiles fake crying.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I'm sensitive to romance." He said making me roll my eyes.

This kid is so immature.


After school we all met up and went to my house.

"Why are we at Nikki's place?" Lydia asked as we all walked up the steps of my house.(Allison, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Jackson, and I.)

"Study group." Malia lied.

"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Lydia asked confused.

"Oh that would have been a great idea. Too late." Stiles said as I unlocked the front door.

"Okay, hold on-" Lydia began but Jackson grabbed her arm.

"Lydia, shut up and walk." Jackson said as he pushed her through the front door.

Stiles, Malia, Allison, and I went around and locked all the doors making Lydia confused.

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