I'm Done Caring

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"Nikki how could you do this?" Malia askdd while following me down the stairs of our house.

"Oh my god please shut up already. It happened okay, quit being so annoying you're giving me a headache." I snapped at her while walking past my dad to get my bike keys.

"Hey what's the matter with you?" My dad asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"She flipped her switch." Malia answered causing my dads eyes to widen.

"Nicks why would you do that?" My dad asked.

"So I would stop caring about stupid people like you. Now if you would move out of my way I gotta get to school." I snapped while pushing them out of my way as I walked out the front door slamming it shut.

I rode my bike to school, parking in my usual spot.

Once I walked through the front doors Stiles walked up to me.

"Have you talked to Scott?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I asked causing him to look at me weirdly.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked confused.

"Why don't you go bother someone who cares." I said before pushing him aside to walk to my locker.


I got to my locker just as my phone went off.

It was a text from Isaac saying that Jennifer had all three guardians.

Then I heard fast heavy breathing.

"Stiles it's going to be okay. Come on." I heard Malia say making me smile.

This will be interesting.

I followed the panic breathing to the boys locker room.

I walked in seeing Stiles and Malia sitting on the floor.

"Just try and think about something else, anything else." Malia frantically said.

"Like what?" Stiles panicked.

"Like friends...family." I said with a smirk.

"Nikki shut up. Your not helping." Malia snapped causing me to roll my eyes.

"Just try and slow your breathing." Malia said as she held Stiles hand.

"I can't." Stiles cried out.

"Oh for heaven sakes move." I said while pushing Malia out of the way.

I crouched down next to Stiles before crashing my lips into his.

When we pulled apart Stiles was breathing perfectly fine.

"What the hell Nikki, you just kissed my boyfriend." Malia snapped.

"Well you weren't doing anything to help." I shot back while standing up.

"How did you know that would work?" Stiles asked as he looked at me.

"Because a panic attack is like controlling. So I thought about when I kissed Scott, it calmed him down, so why wouldn't the same work for you." I said before my eyes flashed red and then the memory played in my head.

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