Gay Club

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Derek spotted the Kanima and now we're driving downtown searching for it.

I sat in the back of Stiles's Jeep holding back tears.

"Nikki, a little help here." Stiles said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I haven't told anyone that my mom died, not even Malia.

"Sorry what?" I asked while quickly wiping the tears away.

"Can you catch a sent?" Scott asked as I tried to sniff out for Jackson.

"No I don't think he has one." I said once my phone began ringing, it was my dad.

"Hey dad." I managed to get out.

"Nikki, I need to talk to you and Malia." My dad said and I could tell he had been crying.

"Right now is not a good time." I said while biting my lip.

"Sweetheart, it's important." He said, I immediately knew he found out my mom was died.

"You found her, didn't you?" I asked as a tear slid down my face causing Scott to turn around to face me.

"You already saw?" My dad asked making me sigh deeply trying to hold back the tears.

"I gotta go." I croaked out before hanging up.

"What just happened?" Stiles asked confused as he saw me crying.

"Jackson ki-" I began to say but Scott cut me off.

"Nikki you don't have to talk about it now." Scott said as I shook my head.

"I want to." I said while wiping tears away.

"Jackson killed my mother." I continued as Scott grabbed my hand comforting me.

I could see Stiles's face drop, I knew what he was going to say but I quickly began to talk again so he couldn't say those two words I hated the most.

Those two words were I'm sorry and I'm not giving him the chance to say it.

"But forget about it, right now we have to find Jackson before he kills anyone else." I said sternly.

"Okay well do you guys have any clue where he is going?" Stiles asked changing the subject.

"To kill someone." Scott said making me face palm.

"Ah. That explains the claws, fangs, and all that. Good, makes perfect sense now." Stiles said sarcastically causing Scott to glare at him.

"What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, okay? Sarcasim is my only defense." Stiles said making me roll my eyes.

"Just shut up and help us find him." I said sternly as we parked the car in the back of this club and got out.

"Alright first off, how did he pass Derek's test?" Scott asked confused.

"Well think about it, a Kanima can't be affected by it's own venom so when is the Kanima not the Kanima?" I asked.

"When it's Jackson." Stiles said, thank god these boys aren't total idiots.

"Uh guys look." Scott said as he pointed up at a window which Jackson was crawling through.

"What's he doing in there? Who's he after?" Stiles asked confused.

"Let's find out." I said before walking over towards the back entrance followed by the boys.

"Alright, maybe there is like a uh- window we could climb through, or some kind of-" Stiles began before I ripped the handle off the door causing it to open.

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