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Maya's POV

Waving goodbye to Eve, as she drove off, I turned around and sighed as I walked up to the front steps of my house and unlocked it with my keys.

Stepping in, I heard the TV was on and Kevin laying out on the couch. I couldn't tell if his eyes were closed or not, but I just assumed it was since I didn't hear any noise.

Lightly tiptoeing to the kitchen, I heard shuffling on the couch and whipped my head around to see that Kevin was actually quite awake and he stood glaring at me, his foot tapping on the ground.

You are not my mom.

"Hey.... Kev." I waved nervously. "What's happenin'?"

Kevin continued to stand there and glare at me. 

"How was.... work?" I asked, sounding unsure in my own question.

"Fine." he stated bluntly. Somebody's a little grumpy.

"You're right, I am a little... irked." Kevin said walking towards me slowly. Oops. Said that out loud, didn't I?

"May I ask... why?" I inquired, changing the subject. I had a feeling I already knew damn well why he was irked.

"Let me ask a question to answer your question." he began. "Where have you been for the past 24 hours?"

"Oh, you know. Out." I stated opening the fridge. "After school I went to the mall... ooh! But I did come back here though, to get some clothes, but no one was home, then I went to a party, and spent the night at..." I stopped ranting and chose my next words carefully. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about X. 

By the look on his face, I decided not to.

"I spent that night at my friend Eve's house. Then we went to go get our nails done, then I came back here and here I am telling you what I did and where I was." I finished rambling on and I smiled.

Pulling water out of the fridge, I turned to Kevin and saw him still stale facing me.

"Okay...." I hummed awkwardly.

Kevin sighed heavily and walked towards the island, taking a seat on the stool.

"Listen, kid. I'm not ya father, I'm barely your uncle, but I gotta admit that I'm starting to care for you and ya well-being. You gotta let me know where you are, especially at times like past midnight." he said making hand gestures on the table to prove a point.

I kinda felt bad and understood what he was saying. "Yeah, okay. My bad Kev."

I walked towards the staircase and I could still hear him saying something but didn't catch all of it. I was already too far up the stairs already.

Walking into my room, I closed the door and set my bag down, beginning my unpacking process. One of thing that I hate about going to places overnight. The unpacking.

Only getting through half of my stuff, which didn't take long, I quickly got bored with it and laid down on my bed, deciding to take a power nap.

Stripping out of my shoes, pants, and shirt, I climbed under my white comforters and set my phone aside, and the warmth of the sheets engulfed me and my eyelids got heavier.

After about a minute, my phone rang, snapping me into the real world.

"Ughhh, come on! Just want a nap." I groaned in annoyance.

Picking up the phone, I looked at the caller I.D. and quickly answered it, hearing a voice I haven't heard in a long time.

"LaLa!!!" I said happily.

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