17 pt.1

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Maya's POV

I leaned on the fresh marble counter with my own red Solo cup in my hand. I pulled out my phone from my purse and scrolled through Twitter. I kept scrolling through it until I found something.

I saw a familiar face with a mic in his hand, getting lit on a stage at what looked liked some festival.

It was X.

My eyes widen and I brought the screen closer to my face. Is that really him? What the hell is doing on such a big stage? Is he... famous? Is that what the stage is for?

I looked up and my eyes frantically searched around the party scene for X. I squinted my eyes and spotted him grinding against this girl that barely had clothes on. I scrunched up my face and rolled my eyes. 

That bitch must be in college.  "Back to his old shenanigans." I muttered to myself in a bitter tone.

I really thought I had gotten through to him and that we were going somewhere. But seeing him and that girl.... it made me furious. I was fuming. I needed something else to drink. Something stronger. 

He just.... really annoys me sometimes. But he is just adorable, that I can't help it.

I went to the counter and mixed some things together in my cup. I got a cup a dirty sprite and some Hennessey. Separately though. 

I downed one and then the other. More slowly. I wanted to savor it so I could forget about him. 

Then an idea popped in my head. I know we aren't dating, but since he wants to be with some other dirty hoe, I'm gonna find Pump. I bet he'll enjoy my company.


I practically wandered around this whole house looking for Pump, or Ski, or any familiar face. I felt like hours. I checked my phone. It had only been like 30 minutes.

Then I heard a familiar bass and rhythm. Then the words flowed through the house, confirming my suspicion of what song it was.

Work, work, work, work, work , work

You see me, I be work, work, work, work, work, work

In that moment Rihanna made me forget all my worries and troubles and made me want to throw that ass back.

I stuffed my phone in my purse and hid my purse somewhere so no one would steal it.

Then rushed over to the dance floor casually and started to arch my back and move my butt to the rhythm.

A few girls I saw from school who were doing the same. They were smiling at me and I heard "Go head, girl!" or "Yass, bitch! Go ahead!"

I also noticed that there were guys behind them. Taking it all in. Probably their boyfriends. Lucky. 

I sighed internally in my head, but continued to have fun. I don't need nobody.

Then after a few seconds, I felt a presence behind me and I felt hands on my hips.

I looked back to see who it was. I saw a mop of brown and black dreads with his hands on my ass. 

I wanted to stop but they way this was... it was nice. It was sexy. It was turning me on. And I was enjoying. I felt him "enjoying" it too.

He hands switched and they were now crossed on my butt. When Drake's part came on, I slowed down and began to go slower.

After a while I decided it was enough. He don't deserve all of this. And besides my back was starting to ache. 

I stood up and stomped away without giving him a second look.

I grabbed another drink of some beer and went outside on the balcony that stood over the pool with people doing all types of weird and... interesting stuff.

I sipped the drink slowly and let the now familiar sting wash down my throat. 

I heard the screen door open and close again, but I didn't care to look around to see who it is. I felt hands on my hips. 

I whipped my head around and saw X. 

I quickly moved away from him. He is so fucking bipolar.

He frowned. "What's wrong wit'chu ma?" 

I stopped drinking my beer and turned to him slowly. 

"Oh, you know why." I said looking at him in eyes. I grabbed an unlit blunt and found a lighter on the ground. I put it to my mouth and li it with ease.

He just stared at me. "Can you please tell me what is wrong with you? We were just in there having fun. Weren't you enjoying the party?"  I felt like he was going to lose his patience any minute now.

I sighed heavily and took a drag from the blunt.  "Earlier, I saw you and some hoe dancing together. And after that I didn't see you for a while then you just come out of nowhere." I explained blowing the smoke through my nose.

He then moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His hand stroked my hair repeatedly.  He reeked of all types of alcoholic beverages but yet, he still acted pretty sober.

"Aw... baby girl. I didn't know what I was doing. I don't like her. I didn't do anything with her.  I like you not her. I-I lik-ee you n-not herrr.." he hiccupped and dragged out. Never mind I guess he was a little drunk.

He then put his hands on my face and he kissed me slowly. I tasted the alcohol in his mouth but I kissed him back. And I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I am loving it.

Our mouths moved together in sync and his tongue slid in my mouth and I moaned slightly. He gripped my butt in the process then he pulled away.

"I'm gonna go preeeee-form, kk?" he slurred then kissed me again. I smiled and blushed uncontrollably. 

"Ok" I said sweetly. He smiled and pecked my lips again and then left.

I grinned widely and leaned against the balcony. I don't know why I let him back in so easily, and he was drunk, but I could tell he was completely sincere.

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