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Maya's POV

I sat in the car, staring at my nails. 

But I wasn't really paying attention to them. I mind kept drifting off to that girl in the nail shop. I didn't even know the girl and she kept staring me down like I did something wrong.

"What's the matter best friend?" Eve asked as she was driving.

"It's that girl. In the nail shop. I've never seen her a day in my life. And yet, I feel like I shoul-"

"Ugh. Girl! You need to stop stressing yourself so hard over this try-hard chick. If she wanna stare, good let her stare. Everyone knows that my bitch bad, ayeee!!" Eve shouted cutting me off. 

I laughed at her silliness. "Yeah, you right. I am kinda good-looking." I said. I didn't mean to be cocky but I have to have my moments.

"I know you are. And ya boyfriend X knows too." she smirked at me and looked back at the road. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah here you go." I leaned against the window, knowing she was going to go on a rant talking about how good of a couple we are.

"I mean, I knew from the moment I saw y'all speak to each other, that it was meant to be. You guys are like, the missing piece to each other's puzzle. " she gushed.

"Whoa. That's kind of deep. Even for you. And besides, it hasn't even been a couple of days since we were together." I chuckled.

"I know. But I can already see it." she smiled.

Oh brother.

"So, do you wanna go back to X's house or do you just want me to drop you home?" she asked.

"Uh, back to my place. But I just want to say bye to X first. Haven't seen him since this morning."

"Aww, that's cute. Alright, let's go. I haven't seen Ski all day either." she added.

"You saw him last night."

"And that's a long time." she said.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever you call a 'long time'" I said putting long time in air quotes.

She laughed at me and continued to drive on the way to X's house.

~ ~


I woke up sprawled out on the bed, with my leg against the back wall and my arm falling off the side of the bed.

I slowly pushed myself up, already feeling the pounding starting in my head. "Shit." I groaned holding my forehead. I got myself up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and washed my face.

Why did I take so many? Why did I take any at all? I promised myself that I would stop, especially now that I got Maya. Damn, my head fucking hurts,  I thought cursing myself out for taking those godforsaken pills.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed, with my phone in my head. 

I wonder what's taking Maya so long, I thought.

I felt myself beginning to smile, involuntarily. I don't know what was happening with me, the moment I saw her, I just.... felt differently. Whenever we hung out, it felt like it was just us in the world and nothing else mattered. 

My ringtone rang throughout my room and sprung me out of my thoughts. I looked down and saw Maya's name, which was currently labeled 'lul baby🤞💕'.

I answered it and pressed the phone up to my ear. "Aye, wassup?" 

"Hey X." I heard her precious little voice on the other end of the line. "Your awake feeling better now?" she asked.

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