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Maya's POV

I met up with Eve at her locker. Ski was there talking to her. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around surprised and happy. Ski looked glad too.

"Maya!" They both yelled and attacked me in hugs. I laughed and hugged both of them right back. 

"Hey guys. What were you guys talking about?" I asked leading them to my own locker to get my own stuff.

They both look like they were caught off guard and all of a sudden looked nervous.  "Nothing." They said in unison.

This was definitely suspicious.

Eve's POV

I all of a sudden got nervous and started to play with my necklace.  I do that when I'm hiding something.

I couldn't tell her now, that Ski had just asked me on a date and we were going on Sunday. I didn't want her to be alone while I could be possibly dating someone. But then on the other hand, she was really pretty and she doesn't realize all these guys here practically drooling over her.

But I did have something else to tell her. 

I smirked at her and said, "Actually I do have something else to tell you. Right Ski?" I looked at him for confirmation.

"Huh? Ohhh! Yeah, yeah. " he said looking up from his phone.

"Oh really? What is it?" she asked looking back and forth between us.

"Pump is having a party at his house tonight." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh, for real? Cool." she said. Hmm. I expected more of a reaction out of her. "When does it start?" she said closing her locker.

"9 pm till.. whenever. Till most the people are gone, I guess." Ski answered.

"Cool. I'll slide in." she said smiling. 

"Awesome!" I said, clearly excited. "After school, we are going shopping!!" 

Now this she really got excited for. 

"Ooh!" she shrieked happily. "Shopping! I love shopping!"

Maya's POV

I was excited already. I love shopping. I rambled on and on about what I could possibly wear and what stores to go to. I was cut off by the bell though. Lucky for me, my class was a couple doors down. 

"See y'all later!" I called from behind me, with them walking in different directions.

"Bye!" they said together, and continued their conversation before I got here. Huh. Something is going on with those two. 

I then felt the spot where X has repeatedly kissed and sucked on my neck. I'm glad my puffy hair was covering it up.

I stepped in the door to English class as soon as the bell rung. Phew! That was close.

"Good morning, Miss Kelly. Please take your seat." the teacher, Mr. Foreman said. He was an old man, probably in his 70's, with white wispy hair that went around his head instead of on top of it. 

"Ok" I said back at him. I took a seat near the windows, in the second row.

"Alright class. Today we are going to continue with reading Edgar Allan Poe short stories. Take out your novels, and turn in your questions from Wednesday. 

As I walked up to Mr. Foreman's desk to turn in my work, in the corner of my eye, I saw a head of half dyed dreads. I automatically knew it was X.

He had walked past my window, then walked back to it because he noticed me too. He made a kissy face with his lips and winked. I smiled and rolled my eyes, then walking back to my seat.

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