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Did you guys think I was gonna end here? Did you forget the prophesy hasn't been fulfilled  yet. If there's one thing you should know now it's that fate doesn't lie.

Destiney's Calling
The cool air felt good against Scars face. She knew it wouldn't last though she had escaped ,but she knew it wouldn't be long before they found her. They always found her. Always. They would drag her into the same old cells that smelled of dirt and mold then they would do the same old painful test they always did.

Scar counted in her head ,a nervous habit she had picked over time.

Scar heard footsteps. It must be them. They'd come to take her away. She turned around expecting to meet the faces of the scientist that had held her captive for as long as she could remember.

She turned slowly, savoring what she knew would be her last few remaining moments in the outside world. She was surprised when the only thing she saw in front of her were trees. Yet she had heard footsteps. It wasn't like the scientist to play with her when they came to get her. They did what they came to do ,take her back. No, this must have been someone else.

Scar felt the presence of someone very close to her ,unnervingly close. She whirled to meet eyes with what she knew even though she never went to outside world ,was her king.

" Scar come here", a shriveled finger pointed towards her. Scar walked up to the old lady. She was always nice to Scar and she would tell her story's. Story's about times when she was a kid and how things were before she got sent to the laboratory. Before she got put in a room with Scar 15 years ago.

" Do you know what today is", she asked.  Scar shook her head. Today is the kings eighteenth birthday ,he is of age.

" Of age for what", She asked her.

"He is of age to rule. Today our King and Queen ,Freya and Lucas will step down and give their thrown to their beloved eldest son Logan."

"You act excited about that", Scar could hear the excitement in the older woman's voice as she talked about her new king.

" Scar I believe that king will save us all just as you heard about Freya doing in the story's I told you. With a merciless Father and a caring mother that man will be just the person we need to save us."

She had a new respect for this young king. Anybody that Marie, her older friend respected She respected. She had basically raised Scar. If she thought he would save them she thought he would save them.
Flashback over

Scar met eyes with the most beautiful black haired blue eyed guy she had ever seen. His long black hair stopped inches before his shoulders. A crown was a top his head and you could clearly see his muscular build. He was basically her dream man.

Scar looked at her feet so fast she almost got whiplash when she stopped looking at the gorgeous man and came back to herself. Looking a higher up in the eye was blatant disrespect. It was one of the first things Marie had told her about the outside world.

Marie told her a lot of things just in case she ever were to get out.

Scar's heart pumped twice as fast as alarming thoughts ran through her head.

Would he kill her? Send her back? Torture her?

Scar started trembling when she felt a hand gently lifting her chin. She met eyes again with the king.

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