Chapter 21

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"Please ,please ,please ,please with a cheery on top", I begged Lucas in the back of the limousine.

"Absolutely not", he said in his don't ask again warning voice. I slumped down in my seat pouting.

I had asked Lucas if he would let me go see my friends ,and he had said no saying that I would just get attached to my old life again which was apparently 'way behind me'. It was his idea to take me to town ,which is where the orphanage ,and my friends were.

I pouted the rest of the ride to town. When we got their Lucas toon me into a lot of shops and bought me anything I wanted. He was actually quite charming when he wasn't killing innocent people and torturing others. About halfway through our little shopping expedition I had too pee ,bad.

"Lucas I got too use the bathroom", I said starting to walk touwards the bathroom ,but I felt an arm go around my waist.

"Kitten are you sure you will be okay in their ,alone ,in a public place."

I rolled my eyes "Lucas you can't go in the girls bathroom ,I'll only be a minute then Ill come right back to you". Lucas reluctantly let me go and stood beside the door.

"Yell if you need me", he said making me roll my eyes again. I did my business then I went to wash my hands. While drying my hands I noticed a window in the corner. I didn't even really think about it I just walked over to it got on a stool ,and jumped out the window.

Of course I wasn't trying to escape Lucas he'd kill like everyone if I did. I wanted to see my friends. I mean sure Lucas would be pissed when he found me ,but he will get over it.

I jumped out the window not expecting the distance I was from the ground I forgot I was on the second story of the mall. I landed on my ankle and it went a weird angle then I fell too the ground. Well that went well. I got up hissing and falling back down when I put pressure on my ankle. It was definitely sprained. I was also bleeding a bit from me hitting the ground after my ankle had gave out when I jumped. I brushed both my injuries off though In my long training I had been taught to withstand pain ,and I could handle this small injury ,and much more before I gave out. I started down the block hoping I would get too the 'orphanage to see my friends before Lucas found out I was gone.

Truthfully Lucas scared me ,even though I could fight he could overpower me easily.

He could do anything he wanted to me ,and that was what scared me the most.

I arrived at the 'orphanage in about 5 minutes I would have been their way sooner if I hadn't had this sprained ankle. I walked into the building too see the girls having tea at the dining room table. "L

"Girls I'm back", I screamed so exited that I was finally seeing my best friends again after so long. They all turned towards me ,and their jaws hit the floor. Gia was the first too run up to me.

She engulfed me in a huge hug " Freya we thought you were dead it has been so long and we have heard nothing of you", she said. The rest of the girls came ,and hugged me.

After they all hugged me I had to sit down my ankle was killing me. I sat down in one of the chairs in the living room ,and Layla went to go get me ice after she looked at my purple ankle.

"Freya your bleeding did King Lucas do this too you", I shook my head and everyone looked relieved.

"So what happened", Kayla asked.

"Well I had to escape out of a bathroom window because that son of a -", I was cut off by a growl coming from outside. Lucas was here. He speeded in and was in front of me in a second picking me up and breathing in my scent.

"Finish that sentence Freya I dare you", he said now in front of me with my back against the wall.

"I was saying that your a son of a-" Lucas growled at me again and I shut my mouth not wanting to anger him further. Lucas kept putting his head in my neck and smelling me ,and kissing me and I started to get uncomfortable.

"Lucas what are you doing", I said.

"I thought you had ran away Freya ,I was so scared that you had left me again." I started too feel sorry for Lucas he had no one and then he thought he had lost me too. I surprised even myself with what I did next I brought my lips to Lucas's ,and I kissed him. He responded immediately ,and was kissing me gently at first then he slowly started kissing me more. When I finally pulled away he smiled at me.

"I love you so much Freya Summers," he said and I could see truth in his eyes. I wanted to say it back I knew that I loved Lucas I guess I always have. The love we had before I got kidnapped never went away.

Love like that never dies. I guess I can look at it this way fate chose us ,and if fate wanted us together we would be together.

It's okay too fight against your destiny because you can change the course of the future you choose who you are ,but fate ,fate is who you choose to be who you will be in the future. I don't know about the future all I know is that Fate chose me ,and Lucas to be together ,and right now we were.

Some people would say this is the end of my story because that's how every story ends. Except for Romeo and Juliet ,but usually love prevails.

Not always though Romeo and Juliets story was tragic ,but the truth is that is love. Love is tragic this is not where my story ends. This is where it begins. This is the story of two fated lovers who learned that love is tragic.

Love lies ,love betrays ,love kills , love fades , love hurts ,but love never dies.

No matter what you do if you have ever truly loved someone with all your heart you will never stop loving them. That is why through all the things me and Lucas have gone through and will go through love has prevailed.

Whether or not we choose to stay with each other forever ,that is our choice. Fate made a little flame of love in our hearts then it turned into a fire.

Fate can only do so much so we can either ignore the fire in our hearts that loves ,or we can love with all our hearts and let it consume us it's our choice ,and that is the difference between destiny ,and fate.

A/N - Guys this is not the end of my book it will have many more chapters. Sorry if the last part of this chapter was cheesy ,but I wanted to make it emotional. Anyways vote ,comment ,and love me - Abbey

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