Chapter 14

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Lucas POV
I never should have bit Freya. I regret hurting her more than I regret anything I have ever done. I feel like I ruin everything I touch. I don't want to ruin Freya I'd rather die and rot in hell then ruin my gorgeous red head soul mate. I was just so mad that day.

    She had deliberately done something dangerous ,something that could have gotten her hurt. She knew that she was everything to me ,and that it would kill me if something happened to her. Still she did it and risked her life as if it meant nothing. I can't even think about what could've happened if I hadn't got to Freya in time. I won't think about it because If I do I might have a nervous  breakdown.

     I'm already about to get drove over the edge.When my guards had notified me that Freya was escaping I was beyond pissed. I had gave her a day ,a whole day for her too figure things out ,and she uses that day to try to escape. When I was running after her all I wanted to do was punish her for what she did. After I saw my angel though I couldn't stay mad. I had bit her and she had a reason to want to escape.

    It wouldn't happen again though if I had to stay by her every second of every day to keep her safe and with me I would do exactly that. I would do that because I love her I love her more than anything else in the world. No one else could even contemplate the love I felt for my scarlet haired beauty. I looked at her sleeping form in my arms as I carried her back to the house. Running must have tired her out ,poor thing. She was so frail and weak from not getting much food at the orphanage. It almost made me cry at how weak and human she was.

    I know she had the bravery of a thousand men to try to run away from me and she was strong mind wise. She couldn't protect herself though ,not from the things that would want to get her. The things that would want to get her because of me. Because of who I am ,because of the enemies I have made in my long life. I know she would be better off if I let her go ,but I can't. She is the only thing I love. The only thing I care for.

    I will die keeping her safe if I have to. If she was separated from me I would die from the heartache of me not being able to wake up to her beautiful face each day. Nothing Freya could do could make me stop loving her. Nothing could make me let her go.

     She is mine and will always be mine for the rest of eternity.
A/N Wassup my lovelies. Sorry nothing really happened in this chapter. It was just a filler chapter until I get over my writers block. I changed what I think Lucas looked like in chapter 8 so go check that out. Sorry for any editing mistakes. Tell me what chapter I should end this book on. If you want I'll end it at chapter 4785575788567 just tell me and I'll end it their. I promise y'all you'll hate the ending. I'm jk you'll love it (I hope😏) anyways comment ,like ,tell your friends /mom and love me. -Abbey

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