Chapter 25

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Omg ,I am so sorry I've been so distracted with school work I have had no time for wattpad. Please forgive me and enhoy the story.
Freya's POV
Coming back from the dead Is like waking up after passing out. Your confused at first once your mind starts working again. Darkness that was all their was. I was wondering why I was in the dark and most of all I was wondering where I was.

I was dead after all as soon as that thought came into my mind light flooded my vision.

I was supposed to be dead and yet I wasn't.

The love of my life killed me I was dead as a doorknob ,I felt it I mean he choked me to death ,I was fully aware that I had stopped breathing.

Then I don't remember anything I guess when you come back you forget about heaven or wherever you were.

All that matters now though is that I'm awake.

As soon as I got better I would march right up to my bastard soul mate and stuck a stake in his cold black heart.

First I would have to find out how I came back and who the heck the boy that was beside me was.

"Have a nice nap sleeping beauty",he said.

"I was dead how am I here right now?"I could hear the confusion in my voice as I asked.

"Well you were dead ,but now your not all because of a spell the humans made happen."

This guy seemed familiar his Jet black hair and pretty blue eyes seemed so usual. That's all I could say to explain it. I felt like I had seen those eyes everyday my whole life. I felt like I knew this guy.

"I know you", I poked him in the chest as I made my statement.

"I hope you would I'm your brother". I looked up in surprise this guy was crazy.

" I don't have a brother". I said their was no way he could be my brother I mean we didn't even look alike. Well, actually looking at the kid now we looked a pretty good bit alike. Same eyes ,nose , and the same face shape. The guy took my hand "My name is Alex Summer ,and I have a lot of explaining to do."

                              Lucas's POV
I loved her I loved her more than anyone I had ever loved in my long lifetime. Then I had killed her I had choked her to the point of her death it was my fault her blood was on my hands.

Yet, it didn't bother me.

My monster had taken over. I had killed the love of my life and for that I would pay the price. I would be the thing I kept hidden for so long.

The monster was no longer inside me ,I was the monster.

The price for wicked deeds is guilt. Yet that wasn't the case for me. The price for my wicked deeds was more wicked deeds.

If I ever did come back I knew the guilt of what the monster, no I had done would overcome me.

Their is no escape from pain. It follows you like a shadow. Yet it hides when happiness and fun distracts you. Yet it is still their. Always following you.

My pain was still their and one day it would come out. On that day would be the day I broke. For pain of that magnitude is too much to bear.

Even for someone of my ages. I was down for ,for I had killed the only one that could ever truly love me. For that I deserve everything I knew was coming.
                              Alex's POV
I would think of her a lot ,my sister. She was taken away by vampires at a young age.

She had been caught ,and the rest of my family lived. I had grown up with the humans.

She was only three when she was caught yet I felt like nothing had changed about her. Even after so many years and after her death Freya had something about her. She always made people around her joyful. She was like a light in other people's darkness ,and here she was again my light ,my sister.

I told her about what happened about how she was caught , how our parents were killed by vampires ,and about what happened to me while she was in the 'orphanage'. She listened silently then after I was done she started bawling. First it started out as silent tears then she started fill out sobbing. I held her close , and let her cry. She only cried about two minutes then she stopped still sniffling.

" Why did all the humans want to bring me back though", she asked.

I smiled this was the reason everyone pitched together with all we had to get the spell to bring Freya back.

" We need to kill King Lucas."

Freya looked at me hurt in her eyes at first then they hardened so quickly I thought I had imagined it.

Her fist clenched "lets go kill a vampire ,werewolf king".

She got out of bed ,and danced around "it totally does not feel like I just died". I laughed then took her arm.

"How do you feel about now and arrows", I asked and she looked at me and smiled ,"got any matches".

                            Luacs's POV
The vampires that supported the humans kept trying to talk to me. They didn't come out with their heads though. What I had done to the humans was what should've been done a long time ago. They didn't deserve to have rights. They were only for our pleasure.

I heard footsteps ,and I didn't need to look up to know it was one of those human supporters.

"If you came about the humans I hope you don't plan on losing your head because..."
I stopped when I flaming arrow landed right beside my head. My thrown engulfed in flames.

I jumped out of the chair. I looked up and the sight in front of me made my humanity jerk back into place. Their stood my beautiful Freya with her arrow pointed at me.

"Actually I am here for the humans ,but I'm afraid I'm not the one that won't be leaving without a head."

She shot her arrow.

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