Chapter 8

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Authors note~ Thanks for 1k love you guys 👑❤️😌.
                                  Lucas POV
I watched her eat her pancake. She was so beautiful. Even with Syrup all over her face. "Mon Amour your adorable", I said. She stopped eating her pancake and glared at me.

    " No I'm a sexy beast ,I'm not adorable", she said putting her fingers into claws and pretending to hiss at me.

     I kissed her syrupy nose " your claws are also adorable ,sexy cat beast wanna see mine", my claws extracted and I showed her.

    Her eyes went wide " What else do you have that I don't know about", she said.

    " well I have fangs of course", I extracted my fangs " and super speed and strength", I said.

   She stared at me "your kidding right", I shook my head head. She sighed

     "What can't you vampires do".

    I smirked "get sick", I replied. She threw her hands up looking exasperated.

    " Is everything just perfect for you vampires". I vamped behind her and she looked around to see where I went not even checking right beside her. I started whispering in her ear my lips touching it as I talked.
                                  Freya's POV
His lips touched my ear as he whispered. " Everything is not perfect for all us vampires", he vamped to the other side of me pulling my hair off my neck and whispering in my other ear. " some of us haven't found our love for life, our perfect fit,", his voice got lower "our soulmate". I gasp as he nibbled my neck and I had to hold back a moan. "Until we get our soulmate the world is nothing we don't have our other piece , our other half". He continued " then when a vampire gets their soulmate everything is perfect as long as you have her ,and if something happens to her", he slammed his fist on the table making me jump. "Everything falls apart ,their world falls apart", he finished pulling me into his chest. " I know things Won't be perfect but with you by my side it will be as close to perfect as anything in my life can ever get ,and nothing ,or nobody is going to take that away ,I'll make sure of it ,I'll kill for it,I gasped. " Don't act so surprised mon amour I'd do anything  for you ,know they always." I looked into his eyes and saw the truth ,but I didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Deep inside me those words made me feel something a deep sense of danger ,but not for me. Lucas said he would kill for me ,and that was not necessarily a good thing. I don't think I could handle someone's death because of me. But I knew if it came down to it Lucas would kill for me whether it be to save me ,or out of jealousy. I made one rule in my head one I made myself promise I would follow. Never get close to anyone besides Lucas.
Hello my lovelies thank you again for 1k views. It really makes me feel good that you guys like my book. Comment tell me what you think or give suggestions.

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