Chapter 16

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Lucas POV
It hurts ,it hurts so bad. I clawed at my chest and screamed. I was so mad yet the sadness was worst than the anger.

She was gone ,and nothing had ever hurt as bad as this. I'd been through torture ,my heart being ripped out ,and the death of everyone I loved all at one time and it didn't hurt as bad as this. I would get her back ,even if it killed me. Guards came in obviously worried that I was hurt.

"Find her", I screamed at them.

"Sir who do we find", my top guard said.

"Freya, get her bring her back ,I don't care who you have to kill bring her too me".

"Yes sir", the guard saluted and walked out of the room with the others following behind him.

Once they were gone I let all my feelings out ,and slid down the wall sobbing. For the first time in thousands of years I was crying. I pulled at my hair the pain was too much to bear it hurt so much. They took away my everything.

Realization dawned on me and my clouded brain started to clear. I shouldn't be here crying I should be out looking for her. Then when I found her I would take away the south sides everything. Just as they had done to me. None of those grungy humans would live.

No lives would be spared. My teeth elongated and I started towards the door. I would find Freya and then I would never let her leave my side again.

                          Freya's POV
It was all a lie. Everything Lucas had said. Probably the biggest one was that he loved me.

He never loved me, someone that ruthless could never love anyone. The south side rouges ,who are humans told me everything. They showed me videos and images of Lucas killing innocent people. 

They let people who had personal experiences with him talk to me. At first I believed none of it then slowly it started to dawn on me just how evil of a person Lucas was.

He had killed children ,babies just because their parents owed him something. He had starved humans because the population was getting too big. He was incapable of love , he never could have loved me. He was faking it just to lead me on so things would feel worst when he killed me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Lexi ,one of the leaders of the south side rouges came up to me and took my hand.

"Freya it is you and you only that can bring Lucas down", she said.

"What do you mean I can't bring Lucas down he is like mega strong ,and I'm like mega weak", I said.

"Freya you are Lucas's only weakness. You will distract him ,and you will be able to kill him. This is your destiny Freya you were prophesied to be the one to take down Lucas."

" What are you talking about", I cried.

"The prophesy talks of  the dark ones Scarlet haired mate ,which is you", Lexi said.

I motioned for her to go on "the prophesy goes "The dark one , ruthless and cruel. Will get in a fight ,a Great War with the once great rouges. He will be winning ,the rouges will all fall, until a scarlet haired beauty will win the fight once and for all. Love betrays love , for she is the dark ones mate she and she only will be the one to bare the stake. She will end the darkness and take her place as queen ,the darkness will be gone and the humans and vampires will live in Harmony."

Wow whoever wrote that prophesy was not good at rhyming.

"I can't kill Lucas i'm not strong enough I can't even throw a punch much less wield a sword", I said.

"That's why we are going to train you", I was still reluctant.

"What about Lucas won't he find us", I asked.

Lexi smiled "were cloaked by a spell a witch put up for us it's all good".

I sighed "so you ready to kill your soulmate", she said.

I nodded "are you sure you will be able to do it he is your soul mate".

"I will do anything to rid his evil off this earth", I said.

Lexi smiled at me "let's get started then".

A/N-I feel like I'm going too fast with everything in this book. Whatever though. Vote and comment for more. Your gonna wanna read the next chapter guys. It is gonna be full of twists and turns. Love you guys -Abbey

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