Chapter 13

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                                   Freya POV
I woke up to see Lucas beside me. He looked like his puppy had just died.

   "Lucas what's wr... "then all the events that happened yesterday flooded back to me.

    " You bit me", I shrieked he had bit me I hadn't given him any permission and he had took my blood. The very thing he had done in that scary dream I had.

     He grabbed my hand "Freya I'm sorry I was so mad I didn't want you to get hurt so I punished you so you wouldn't do it again".

     "You didn't want me to get hurt. Lucas you hurt me. You took my blood without permission. Which is the exact thing that would've happened to me if I was a blood slave. Maybe I would take that over this ,you made me think you loved me then hurt me. That hurts worse than the physical pain you caused me".

     Lucas grabbed my waist "don't you ever believe I don't love you because I do ,more than anything."

     A tear slipped down my face "Lucas I need time".

    Lucas got up a anger written on his face "you have one day", he said then walked quickly out of the room. Bipolar much. I guessed I had permission too come out of the room because he hadn't told me not to leave. I walked out guards followed me ,but this time I barely noticed them, I was too busy thinking. Lucas had hurt me ,he had bit me and treated me like the blood slave I was supposed to be. The lifestyle I thought he had saved me from was the same one I felt like I was in now. I walked through the castle until I found a bathroom on the first floor ,bingo. I opened the door and walked in the guards stayed at the door guarding it. I locked it behind me then looked for a window. I found one above the toilet and I hoisted myself up to it. I checked the window but it was locked. I looked around for something to break it with. I saw the plunger I got the wooden end of it and bashed it against the window as hard as I could. It made no cracks at first then it slowly started to break. After one last hard hit the glass broke ,and I wasted no time jumping out the window ,and running. The guards probably heard me so I needed to get out of here fast. I ran the opposite way I had last time thinking their may be a back way out. After running a few minutes I saw a wall. At first I didn't see a way out then I saw a gate that let vehicles in. One was about to leave I saw no one around so I got on the opposite side of the man at the gate until we got through it then I ran for the woods. I was actually going to make it. I ran faster I was so full of energy I hadn't been able to run for this long in forever. I kept looking behind me expecting to see Lucas tackle me any second. Which did happen I heard a growl and felt myself being tackled though he didn't let his weight fall on me. We rolled and then he stopped him on top of me.

   "Freya what do you not get about what I told you about not putting yourself in danger ,and disobeying me", he yelled at me.

     I looked away from him tears sliding down my face "You were gonna hurt me again Lucas I wasn't gonna be your blood slave. Something you can just do what you want with and expect no reaction", I said.

    Lucas's eyes softened "is that what you think that I am gonna use you then throw you away", I nodded.

     " Freya I couldn't throw you away if I wanted too which I don't. Your my everything ,your what I wake up for every morning ,your the reason I still have my sanity. Freya I love you and don't ever try to escape again. I can find you anywhere ,if I have too hunt you down to the end of the Earth and drag you back here I will", he said. I smiled and wiped tears from my face.

  "I don't know whether that was a love confession or a threat", I said.

    He smiled and picked me up bridle style "it was both mon amour", he said then placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

Authors note~ Please read important. Okay I wrote a new book called Caged by Love its about an angel who gets her wings clipped by her possessive lover because he is afraid she will fly away from him. If I get at least 15 views on it I will update in two days. Love all you guys keep commenting and voting because I have been up for three hours making books in wattpad . Love you guys 😘😘~ Abbey

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