Chapter 6

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Authors note~ok first I just want to say thank you to all my viewers I can't believe I have over 200 views on my story. Second please give me any recommendations you might have on what I should do with this story.
Dedicated to Claire_The_Bookworm because she made my awesome covers. 
I woke up to see Lucas staring at me sitting in a chair by the bed.

" what", I asked wondering why he was staring at me.

" Can I not just enjoy looking at the love of my life", he said.

" It's creepy", I huffed getting back under the covers. He got In the bed with me and pulled the covers off me. He picked me up and put me in his lap.

" Well then I guess you'll be seeing a lot more creepy", he strokes my hair sniffing my neck.

" Are you ... smelling me", I asked.

" I like your scent it's like strawberries". I gave him a weird look no one had ever said I'd smelled like strawberries. Granted I don't think anyone had actually took the time to sniff me to see what I smelled like.

I got up and took a shower I came out and Lucas was on the phone he was cursing at someone threatening them. I was so used to him being gentle with me I forgot how scary he could get. He hung up and he looked mad. He looked up and saw me and his eyes softened.

"Who were you talking to", I asked wondering who he was threatening.

" Some people who don't want to follow simple orders ,and decided to get in my nerves", he raked his hands through his hair and sat on the bed. I walked up and sat beside him and he pulled me into his lap. He nuzzled my neck and hid his head on it.

" I need you ,Freya", he said I was confused he said it so randomly.

" I'm not going anywhere Lucas Im right here", I pet his hair. He picked me up and brought me to the kitchen to get breakfast then back upstairs.

" I have stuff to do", he said then left leaving guards at the door. I wondered if I was allowed out of the room.

Surely by now he trust me enough not to think that I would try to escape. I walked out of the room the guards didn't stop me so I kept going exploring all the rooms Lucas had took me through.

Their were guards at every turn and they watched me like a hawk.

I thought I heard a scream I turned around their was a big metal door in front of me. I was immediately curious as to what was behind it ,maybe the thing screaming.

I opened the big door and walked in. I walked to the end of a dark corridor to see , a torture chamber of some sort. It had all kinds of torture devices you could think of. Their was a man in shackles Lucas towered over him. Torturing him with some kind of twisted device curled at the end. The guy screamed fit him to stop but Lucas kept going. I put my hand in my mouth and tried not to cry. Lucas seemed ... almost like he was enjoying himself. I mean the guy he was torturing was evil no doubt. But did he really deserve that. I got up and ran Lucas was a twisted cruel person that I had to get away from.

I ran ,ran faster than I ever have before. I almost got outside when one of the guards grabbed my arm " you can't go out their", he said. I grabbed a dagger from his dagger pouch on his belt. But I didn't do what he expected me to do with it I turned it on myself.

" Let me go or I'll kill my self", I said. I mean of course I wasn't going to do it but he didn't know that, he didn't know me. He let go of me almost immediately and I ran past the impaled bodies that were yet another sign of what I was running away from.

I ran for about 3 minutes till I got to the end of Lucas's property and his gate.

Then I heard it ,dogs. I turned around to see German Shepard as growling at me.

These were attack dogs. They all came at me and I tried to run but they dragged me down biting at me. I screamed then I heard a growl this wasn't from the dogs though though it didn't sound like something that would come from a human. I saw Lucas his eyes were red like actually red.

" heel", he shouted at the dogs. They retreated to wherever they came From. Lucas was staring at me he looked mad too.

" you tried to leave me", he said. I backed away from him.

" why did you try to leave me", he growled.

" I saw you Lucas , I saw you torture that guy your a monster", I bit out. Lucas picked me up and vamped sped back to his house we were their in about a second.

He roughly pushed me up against a wall.

" Don't ever try to leave me again your mine", he said. His eyes were now black instead of red. He pushed me away from the wall and back into it.

" say it say your mine", he said. I didn't answer.

His claws dug into my skin "I'm yours", I screamed. He didn't look convinced and his claws didn't let up.

" Lucas your hurting me", I said. He looked down and dropped his hands immediately.

He put his head in my neck and cried ,like bawled " I'm sorry I just can't lose you I can't", he said.

He looked so sad " you won't", I assured him. His shoulders seemed to relax a little. I had a cruel , pretty much heartless sexy over possessive vampire as my soul mate.

What had I gotten myself into.

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