Chapter 18

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                                  Freya's POV
I would die looking my death in the eye. Not closing my eyes or turning away ,I was no coward. This was my last moments why make them be of darkness. Lucas met my eyes then swung the sword. I waited to feel the pain that would come ,then feel death ,whatever that felt like. I felt none of it though.

Lucas stopped before the sword had touched my skin. He sheathed his sword and turned talking to the guards which had the south sides captured or killed.

"Take her too trial", he said then walked out of the 'battlefield".

A guard grabbed me ,and cuffed me then I was taken to a cell full of people ,and thrown in. My shoulder hit the floor and I hissed in pain ,for I was still sore ,and bloody from the battle. People cried when they saw me being thrown in , I was their hope ,and I had failed them. I stood up having trouble on my wobbly legs. Everyone looked at me like I was the solution ,the way out I knew I couldn't do anything to get us out .

Our fate was sealed all of us in here would be dead by tomorrow. I could give them hope for the future though. I raised my voice so everyone could hear me.

"We may die tomorrow or even as soon as today. But our children with avenge us.

They are the future and they will bring down the vampires. This was only our first try ,out of many others. The others will learn from us. Die knowing we helped ,we helped the future generations that will take down the vampires", I finished.

Everyone looked at me and nodded respect in their eyes. I sighed in relief and sat in the corner of the cell. Tomorrow I would die ,and I had never even got to live.
                                  Lucas POV
She would die tomorrow. Tomorrow the light of my life would die because of me. I already regretted it. Yet I didn't stop it. I could take her out of that cell right now if I wanted too.

I can't though she went against me and the punishment for going against me Is death no matter who the person may be. She hurt me and she would pay for it with her life.

Tomorrow she would be hanged a rope would be put around her neck and she would be pushed off a platform. I would watch as the only being that would ever complete me hang lifeless from a noose.

Then I would go back to my old killing ,ruthless self. The person before Freya .

She had changed me ,she had made my heart feel ,then she had broke it.
Freya's POV
The next day
I watched others before me die. We were in a line each put on a 'trial' were we would be sentenced to death for being traitors to the king. I was next in line.

I watched Natalie ,only sixteen being hanged ,and my heart broke I wished I could have done something ,anything to save her ,to save all of them. I walked out my eyes straight ahead. I stood on the stage ,and waited for the 'judge' to sentence me.

I couldn't help looking at the crowd. My eyes met Lucas's they held no emotions ,somehow I felt let down I thought he would at least be a little distraught about my death. I was his soul mate after all.

"Freya, you are sentenced to death for traitorous acts against the king do you have anything to say in your defense".

"Judge ,doesn't Lucas ", everyone gasp when I used his name without his title.

" I mean his royal highness usually do these things ,I mean he is usually the Judge right," he gave me a confused look.

"He does ,but I don't see how this concerns you ,human", he spat at me.

"What your too much of a coward to sentence your own mate too death Lucas ",I met his eyes.

Lucas stood up "watch your mouth human", he shouted at me.

"What afraid it's the truth", I said. He started making his way towards me anger evident on his face.

"No need to walk any further Lucas I'll do the honors. I walked up to the platform.

"Rope me up dudes", I said. They put the rope around my neck. This is it this is when I would die. All the things Lucas has told me were lies.

If I really meant as much too him as he said I did he wouldn't just stand their and watch me be hanged. Yet he would ,and their was nothing I could do about it ,it was kind of my fault ,I believed his lies.

That is why I am here I was betrayed then I betrayed Lucas. Yet Lucas wasn't the one dying for his betrayal. I was and I was accepting that ,and my death.

I took a deep breath ... then I jumped.

A/N - Hey guys ,I think all of y'all have stopped reading because no one comments what they think anymore 😭. I'm not going to be one of those authors that stops writing because of that though. I have to finish this book. Where I finish it is according to you guys. If I think you guys are enjoying the book I will go on for a while. Anyways about the book. Freya just hung herself ,and slayed  my life with with the whole the king is a coward thing. I used to have more time too think about what I should do with this book because I got bored at school a lot and would think about it. I am really busy this summer so if the things I have coming up for this book suck ... sorry. Also sorry for the long authors note ,but I haven't had anyone too talk too in a while. Vote and pls pls pls comment I need your feedback to keep going. I love you guys thanks for views byeeeeee😘 -Abbey

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