Chapter 10

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I sat up Lucas sat over me with a worried expression on his face. He immediately gathered me into his arms.

"What happened", I croaked.

" you fainted when I stuck a knife in Ocuss's leg." I didn't remember any of that but some people say they don't remember things right before they go unconscious.

"So You didn't tell me you wanted me to go back to the orphanage", I said checking to make sure.

His eyes softened more "no love never ,you'll be with me forever even if you wanted to you couldn't". I gave a sigh of relief ,he did still want me.

"Why did you think I told you I was sending you back to the orphanage", Lucas asked.

"I guess it was just a dream I had while I was asleep after fainting", I tried to get off the couch Lucas had put me on ,but he pushed me back down.

"You need to rest you fainted for goodness sakes ,Freya", he said.

I rolled my eyes "I'm fine bloods just nasty and it makes me squeamish", I said.

Lucas pretended to look hurt and he flashed his fangs at me "This guy has to drink that nasty blood to live", he said.

"Can't you just live off food", I asked. He shook his head "We can eat it ,but it doesn't give us the energy we need to survive like blood does. Without blood we are weak."

I laughed "So a couple of days without the nasty blood can take down the great Lucas king of vampires."

Lucas chuckled "Love I have hardly any weak points not even lack of blood can make me weak anymore I'm too old for that though it does make me stronger. I do have one weak point though." He fell down on the couch beside me and held his stomach I tried not to chuckle he looked like he was in pain.

"when she kisses me my knees go weak. When I see her delicious curves I can't take my eyes off her. She holds my world in her hands ,and without her I'm a broken man", I tried not too laugh he sounded like something from Shakespeare.

" And who might this girl that is your weak point be", I said playing along.

" she's a beautiful girl with red wavy locks and she has the best personality and is the love of my life", he said.

I started to get up "I'll leave you to go find your girl lover boy", I said winking at him and I was trying so hard not too laugh at the look on his face.

He pulled me on top of him "stay in bed doctors orders", he said. I chuckled and put my head on his chest then I slowly fell asleep.
I was running ,from what I had no idea ,but I felt it. An essence of power ,and darkness the kind off darkness that's mysterious yet you know without a doubt exactly how dangerous it is.

I heard a growl behind me and I turned around to see Lucas behind me his eyes black and anger radiating off him. He ran towards me and jumped on me. I fell down and shrieked when Lucas's Fangs started to go in my neck.

He then started sucking out my blood ,my life essence. I screamed trying to get him off me ,but nothing worked ,he was just too strong. I sat up on the couch breathing hard I felt like I had actually just lived that dream. My body still shook with terror. Lucas stirred and looked up at me
with the same eyes that had just looked at me while he tore into my throat ,while he sucked out my life essence.

"Everything okay", he asked I couldn't tell him the truth I'd just worry him.

"Yeah Lucas everything's fine go back to bed."
Hey guys👋🏻.  I told y'all I would update earlier. I just couldn't leave y'all on that cliffhanger that would be mean. Thank you for commenting. Especially SkySpirit21 I read all your comments and loved them💕. Anyways about the book. What do you think is happening with Freya's dreams. Is it her subconscious telling her something important or is it something else. Until next time my lovelies -Abbey

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