Chapter 9

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After I finished my pancakes Lucas carried me upstairs. He put me down on the bed and went into his closet he came out a minute later in a tux.

    I frowned " what are you getting dressed up for."

     He sat beside me on the bed "I have a meeting to attend to", he replied.

    " can I come", I said. I really wanted too I didn't want to be cooped up all by myself and if I was going to be the future queen then I needed to come to these meetings.

    " Love you don't want to come these meetings are full of scary bloodsuckers with no hearts and no like or tolerance for humanity".

      " I was scared of you too but now that I've got to know you your not as bad its probably the same with those other guys", I said.

      " Mon Amour , you see my nice side because you are my soulmate my prized possession and I choose not to scare you and too show you my good side instead. Heck those other guys in their are like the nicest people you'll ever meet compared to me. I just want you to be prepared ,for those men and for my personality when it's not just me and you.

    "I am prepared now ima go get dressed for that meeting now", I walked into Lucas's closet on the other side their now held dresses for me. I picked up a white one and heels then I left my hair wavy and down. I walked out and Lucas whistled ,I ignored him. He walked up and put his arm out for me I took it and we walked down a flight of stairs and lots of hallways. We got to a big brown door. Lucas stopped in front of it pulling me to a stop too.

     "You ready", he asked I nodded and Lucas opened the door and we walked in. Twenty men sat at a big table all their heads immediately turned and looked at us then they all stood up. Lucas had a chair at the very end of the table he pulled one beside the end of the table out and I sat down. Then he sat down and so did everyone else.

     " I called you all to this meeting today to talk about the looming threat that has been put upon our borders. We all know the Southside rouges want to take us down ,so their is no way that we can let them even get close to getting through our borders", I heard what Lucas was saying ,but I didn't understand any of it. I thought everyone followed all the rules of the king.

     " We have guards positioned all around our borders no one is getting in unless we want them to get in", a brown haired man that looked to be in his thirties said.

   "Good", Lucas said looking a little less tense. Yet his face remained the same stone cold ,no emotions.

    "If you don't mind me asking who is the young human that you have brought into this meeting",another guy said he smiled at me flashing his fangs and winking.

     " That is my mate and your future queen so put your fangs back In your mouth before you lose them", Lucas growled. Even I found myself flinching  at his growl. I'll admit that Lucas was one of the scariest people I'd ever met, even though I was his mate and I knew he would never hurt me physically he did scare me sometimes.

     The guy that had flashed his fangs at me backed his chair up a little bit. " my mistake", he said.

    "don't make it again", I looked over to see Lucas's hands clenched.

     They started talking about other stuff which I also didn't understand then out of the blue Lucas said "the blood slaves in the orphanages aren't getting fed enough or getting good enough living conditions I want it changed." The guy that had flashed his fangs spoke up.

    "Has that human made you go soft. Humans don't deserve better living conditions their nothing ,but pets ,things for our pleasure." Lucas put his hand in his pocket then in one quick motion he opened a knife and threw it towards the guys head it missed by an inch and landed on the wall behind the man.

   "I don't think I've gone soft but if you want to try my nerves and see if I have indeed gone soft go ahead ,but I don't think you'll like the outcome", Lucas got up and started walking out he wrenched his knife out of the wall and abruptly stopped and turned around he pointed at them all " have it done", he growled then walked out with me following behind him. In the hall he pulled me into his chest.

    " How come your gonna get the living conditions in the orphanages changed", I asked.

      He chuckled "because I'm sending you back".
Sorry for the cliffhanger guys. I promise you I will update earlier because of it. So what do you think ,did Lucas stop loving Freya, or is it even possible to stop loving someone your fated to be with. Comment what you think. Until next time guys -Abbey
Sorry guys can't have my last name I don't really personally know any of y'all ,and I don't want to get murdered in my sleep.

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