Chapter 17

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A/N- Their is going to be a lot of POV switching ,just a warning.

Freya POV
One year later
Lexi was right it was my destiny to kill Lucas. I was meant too kill vampires I know that much. After 6 months of hard training I was one of the best.

Even though everyone else had years more training than me I still could beat every single one of them in a fight. Why, a lot of people would say it was because it was my destiny so I was automatically good at it. Maybe ,or maybe it was because I practiced all day and almost all night hardly getting any sleep.

I worked hard and pushed myself too the limit. Lucas needed to be killed and I couldn't do that if I was weak. After 6 months training was over and I actually started killing vampires.

Lexi says we need to start small with regular vampires then once we get stronger we will go for Lucas. My best weapon was a bow and arrow with flames.

You set a vampire on fire they are dead so when I shot one in the head with a flaming arrow (done by magic) then the vampire would most likely die. I never miss anymore I always hit the target I go for.

Everyone has started nick naming me Athena because they say I'm so good. I still think of Lucas a lot ,but I usually stop myself. I feel no guilt for what I'm doing too Lucas. Lately I haven't really felt anything.

The Freya that felt other people's hurt and was always nice to everyone was weak and she is gone. In her place is the new me unfeeling me. I care for no one ,Lexi is my friend ,but we aren't that close.

Nothing can get in my way of killing Lucas this was my destiny and I would fulfill it. Whatever it took ,nothing would get in my way. We attack tonight and I'm gonna give Lucas hell for using me ,or at least the weak girl that used to be me. The new me only wants revenge ,revenge for him turning me into what I am ,for killing the old Freya. I feel nothing but coldness and bitterness because of him. He ruined me ,and he will pay for it with his life.
                                 Lucas POV
It had been a year ,a whole year Freya had been missing. My love, my light, my everything. I had never ceased from looking for her.

My love for her never dimmed just as the light she had made in my never ending darkness never dimmed. That is until she was gone. I could still hear her voice and see her beautiful porcelain face in my mind as clear as if she were right in front of me.

I would look for Freya for the rest of existence if I had too. She couldn't be dead. Fate could not be so cruel as too take away the only light I had got in my dark everlasting ,lonely life.

Fate had took away my family though ,so why wouldn't she take Freya away. She was only mortal she could die so easily. I could hold her too tight and kill her without meaning too.

I should have seen this coming the south side saw a weakness in me and they went for it. I should have been a better protector I had failed my Freya. Then I had failed her again and again after she left I had killed in anger for weeks. Then I thought about what Freya would think about it ,the horror in her eyes that would have been their if she saw me ,and that was enough too make me stop. I would save my anger for when I tear out the south sides throat.

I smiled just thinking about it ,they wouldn't know what hit them.
Freya's POV
Today I would slay the great Lucas ,king of vampires. Today children wouldn't have to fear that the blood would be sucked out of them while they sleep. For today vampire reign would fall. Then I would be the new queen. Not that I wanted to be queen ,but the south sides said that for humans to be free and vampire reign to completely fall I would have to be queen and complete the prophecy. I would do anything to give humans the rights that they deserve ,and if that meant being queen I would do it. Right now I led the humans into battle. A battle in which we would probably be outnumbered and would probably loose ,but we would try for the fate of the children. We got to the gates and took drew out our weapons. Mine was a long sword and a crossbow on my back. It was my call for us too charge. I took a deep breath then called the command.
Lucas POV
When I heard the south side rouges were invading I was happy. I would torture them and find out what they had done with Freya. My best soldiers were called upon and then we clashed near the gate. I fought viciously nothing distracting me.

Until I saw her ,a girl with beautiful red hair. I didn't believe my eyes ,but I knew it was her even though she seemed like a different person. Their she was landing blow after blow never missing a beat ,an angel of death.

She killed viciously with no mercy then moved onto the next vampire. Every blow she got she recovered from almost instantly. She wasn't the soft girl that couldn't seem to even hurt a fly.

This was a new Freya ,a new hardened Freya. I watched as a blow was landed to her side and her recovery time was off by just a second long enough for a vampire to grab her. He looked at me asking with his eyes what he wanted me to do with my mate. I walked towards her everyone seemed to part as I walked through. Freya looked up and met my eyes clear hatred shining through them. My heart broke in half. "Are you with us or against us", I asked.
Freya's POV
"Are you with us or against us", he asked.

"I'm not with you never your all vile creatures", I spit at him. "Very well then", he brought his sword over his head. This is where I would die as fate would have it ,in the exactly same position I had been in when me and Lucas and had met the first time.

I guess our love was doomed from the start. I can always say love killed me ,but it didn't it was just fate. It might have been my destiny to die here tonight.

Maybe it would help the course of the future ,and if it does I can die happy because that is all I have ever wanted.

A/N -You guys probably hate me ,but this isn't the end ,or is it. Stay tuned guys. Comment and I'll update sooner ,byeeeeee. - Abbey

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