Chapter 2

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We stood in a line and a vampire sat in a chair opposite of us. I gasped it was the King the king of all the vampires. We all curtsied ,but we all had confused looks on our faces. We'd heard people talk of culling's before. but never had the King done them. King Lucas was known for being exceptionally cruel. This culling was going to be worse than I thought.

King Lucas got up "I see you are confused. I don't usually do culling's, but I was in the mood to kill something and they needed someone to do this so I volunteered." He smiled and it chilled me to the bones. He seemed genuinely happy talking about killing.

He clapped his hands. "Let's get started why don't we," he said. Guards stood around him and they followed behind him as he walked up to Ashley first.

"Hmmm", he put his hand in his jaw and pretended to be in deep thought. He moved down the line until he got to me. I had my head down he grabbed my jaw roughly and pulled it up.

"Pretty", he said.

He turned to the guards "kill the first one, the third one, and the one before the last one", he said. They came at Ashley, Layla, and Lily. Lilly was beside me and they came to her with a sword. I couldn't just stand there. I took a deep breath then stepped in front of her.

                         Lucas's POV
"Move girl", I growled at her.

"No you vampires think you can just kill us and us not fight back. Guess what I'm fighting back. Kill me I don't really care at least I died fighting", she spit at me. I ducked under it.

No one had defied me like that in centuries. I grabbed my sword and put it at her throat. I was about to cut off her head when I heard it bu bump bu bump bu bump of my heart. It had been non beating for hundreds of years. It started again when someone found their mate -yours- my instinct said. I knew exactly who my mate was. I only saw her, the red haired beauty in front me. I dropped the sword at once and fell to my knees in front of her.

I'd found my mate after so long I'd finally found her. A vampire only got one soulmate, one person they could have kids with. Someone chosen by fate just for them.

No other woman could compare or replace her. The girl looked at me confused with her heart beating fast. I put my hand In her hair and my hand on her cheek.

She was real. She really was and she was mine. The little delicate gorgeous human was all mine. I picked her up as I got up and put her over my shoulder.

"Were leaving now kill them before we go," I said walking towards the door with my mate in tow.

" No don't let them kill my friends please," my mate cried tears streaming down her face.

They broke my heart "If you stay with me and be a good girl I'll let your friends go" I said rubbing her cheek.

  "I will just please don't let them die", she sobbed. Tears rolled down her beautiful face and I decided that I never wanted to see anymore on her delicate skin ever again.

"Don't kill anyone" I yelled to the guards and they followed me out.

I put my mate in my limousine and got in with her and then proceeded to put her in my lap. I realized I didn't even know her name.

"What is your name lovely", I asked.

"Freya your majesty" she said.

I kissed her head "Freya what a pretty name," I said.

" if you don't mind me asking why didn't you kill me back there and where are you taking me?" Freya asked.

"I didn't kill you because you are my mate and we are going to my castle" I replied.

She gasped and her heart sped up.
"oh my gosh I didn't think vampires could have human mates," she said with wide eyes. She looked terrified.

"It's rare, but it happens," I said.

"What are you gonna do with me," she gulped obviously scared of me.

"I'm gonna treat you like a princess and you are going to be my queen and we'll have children and you'll live forever. You will never grow old because your mated to me now," I said.

"What?" her mouth was an O of surprise.

"When a vampire finds his human mate and his heart starts beating an instant connecting happens between the two and immortality from the vampire transfers into their mate so they are immortal as well, " I explained. She turned pale as a sheet

" I don't want to be immortal she gasp out." I put put my head in my hands wow this is gonna be harder than I thought.

Authors note- Please tell your friends about this story and comment and tell me whether I should continue it or not.

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