Chapter 23

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I could still hear bits and pieces of Lucas's and Paul's conversation. It had a lot of cursing and yelling in it. Then I heard Lucas say you have my word. I knew that was a big thing for vampires ,and it was like really bad if you broke your word.

I felt us moving and then I felt myself being lied in a bed. I tried to open my eyes but I just couldn't ,I was to weak. After a few minutes of torturous wait with my body on fire I felt a liquid being poured down my throat. I felt the heat in my body slowly fading down. I sat up once it was all gone. Lucas hugged me ,and inhaled my scent.

"Freya ,I was so scared", he whimpered. How could Lucas be so vicious one second and so adorable the next. Paul tapped on Lucas's shoulder making him growl.

"Sorry to interrupt this lovely moment ,but we need to go ahead and announce your statice as hybrid king asap. Our people are worried and need to be reassured that they are safe. I mean how could they not be safe with you as your king. I mean your basically unstoppable".

Lucas turned around had Paul up against the wall so fast I thought I had imagined it.

"I am unstoppable that is why no one will even try to stop me when I rip your internal organs out and feed them to you". Paul looked terrified which he should be.

"Lucas", he turned around to look at me and I gasp when I saw his eyes had turned bright red.

"You need to calm down", I said. Sure I hated Paul ,but I didn't want to see him dead. I had seen enough people dead by my hand and other people's hands lately ,and I really was done with violence.

I wanted to be the old Freya again. The one that couldn't hurt a fly without feeling bad.

Lucas's eyes only got more red which I didn't even think was possible "He hurt you Freya ,and for that he must die". He said choking Paul. I got up to stop him but everything started to get dizzy. Guess that poison did a number on me. I started to fall and felt arms catch me. Well at least he wasn't choking Paul anymore. He looked down at me with concerned red eyes. They slowly started fading to their original blue color.

He walked out the door with me in his arms. Put the king in the cells he said to the guards outside the door. They saluted and went to go get Paul.

"Lucas I feel a lot better now you can put me down now."

He growled at me "no way in hell Freya you almost passed out a while ago I'm not letting you walk again. Heck I shouldn't ever leave you alone again. You always find a way to mess up my life. I mean if you would stop being so d*mn soft then you wouldn't keep  being captured ,and have all this bad stuff happening to you." Well someone's on their man period. Is that what he really thought of me as soft.

"You know what I was wrong about you Lucas I thought you had changed but your still the same monster you have always been. Im not soft by any terms. I have killed people Lucas. Your trying to compare me to you. I know one thing for a fact I will never be you. "

I jumped out of his arms ,and started running. I didnt know where I just wanted to get away from him. He was hot on my trail as I ran.

"Freya don't run from me, don't deny me if what's mine", He growled. I looked behind me their was no sign of Lucas.

"I'm not yours Lucas I'm not just something you can own". I screamed as Lucas jumped down from the staircase above me. He grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall my feet of the ground. I gasp for air he was choking me.

"Say your mine", his eyes were red and black swirling around. His teeth had elongated and his nails turned into claws ,he had completely turned into a monster. He squeezed harder "say it", he screamed. By now I was starting to see dots in my eyes.

I knew I'd be out any second "over my dead body". I meant what I said I would rather die than say someone owned me. That's exactly what happened because a few seconds later ,my heart stopped.

A/N- Welp that's the end guys. Jk jk I wouldn't do that to you. Did I actually kill Freya this time ...maybe. You'll just have to sit on the edge of your seats until 49 people look at this. I know your confused about why Lucas would choke his own mate. I'll explain later. For now just love life to the fullest kiddos.☺️✌🏻️

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