Chapter 20

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                           Freya's POV
I knew what I had to do. For my people I would do anything. Even if it meant dying. It was better dying for my people than dying for nothing.

If I were to die I would want a death worth something. My life was never worth anything ,nothing good ever happened to me ,and so I had to make my death worth something at least. I walked out of the bathroom a sharp piece of glass from the mirror I had just shattered in my hand. I had to do this not for me ,but for all the innocent people that would die at the hands of vampires if I didn't do this. Lucas turned around as I opened the bathroom door.

"Freya darling please just li...", he cut himself off as I put the sharp glass up to my throat.

His eyes widened "Freya ,put the glass down you could hurt yourself", he said in a pleading tone.

"You tried to kill me less than a few hours ago ,let me finish the job then we can all be happy Luke," I said making up the nickname for Lucas.

"Freya I care about you ,I love you please just put the knife down whatever you want you can have it , no matter what it is.

"Lucas you know what I want ,I want you too give the humans the equality and freedom they deserve." He ran his hands through his hair.

"Freya I am very powerful ,but I can't change the way things have been for thousands of years. People wouldn't allow it it is impossible."

I sighed "if it's so impossible I guess ill just go ahead and kill myself then. I need this done Lucas ,it means everything to me. I would rather be dead than watch the humans suffer more". He growled punching the wall beside him.

"Fine Freya I'll give the humans equality ,but you need too put the shard down." He started inching towards me ,but I backed away.

"Not until you give me your word," I yelled.

"You have my word", he said immediately. I dropped the shard. He ran up to me and engulfed me in his arms and put his head in my neck. I felt wetness on my neck ,and I looked down to see tears in Lucas's eyes.

"Lucas you must give the freedom an equality to my people now every minute more humans die from vampire rule". Lucas pulled back from me ,and put his hands on my shoulder.

"Freya if I give the humans equality you have to promise that you won't do what you just did ever again ,you have to promise that we're forever." I didn't want to be with Lucas forever he had enslaved my people ,and he was the cruelest person to ever walk the earth. He loved me though ,and he was willing to give freedom to my people in exchange for me to stay with him.

"I promise", I said ,and I was going to keep that promise. Lucas grabbed my arm ,and dragged me out of the room.

He walked up to one of the guards "summon all of my adult vampires ,every single one tell them they have to be here it's required. They will all meet outside the castle then I will explain why I have summoned them". The man nodded and walked away.

Lucas took me up to a balcony ,"this is where I will make the decree" he said. I nodded in approval and sat down. A few hours later about 70 thousand vampires stood outside the castle on the yard they were all crowded together ,and chattered with each other.

This was mostly the adults ,the children didn't have to be there. Their parents could tell them about the decree. A guard handed Lucas a weird thing that went in his ear and had a cord hanging out of it. I asked him what it was and he said it helped him be louder by making his sound come out of the speakers on the ground. When it looked like everyone was here Lucas started to speak.

"For decades humans have been treated ... rather badly. Today I have decided to change that. From now on Humans are equal to vampires." Everyone gasped ,and chatter started through the crowd.

"Quiet", Lucas yelled making me jump and everyone become quiet.

He continued "Humans will have the same right ,rules ,and punishments as vampires. If any of you do not treat humans fairly or question my decree you will be killed."

Everyone gasp again ,and I heard a voice in the crowd speak out "humans are just pets for our enjoyment they are not meant to be equal to vampires", before I could blink Lucas jumped off the balcony and stood in front of the vampire who had spoke against the decree then he ripped his heart out. No one said a word everyone was too scared to make any sound.

Still holding the heart in his hand Lucas yelled "anyone else want to question my decisions."

Still no one spoke Lucas smiled "good", he said then jumped back up to the balcony I was on. He wiped off his bloody hands with a handkerchief then he hugged me.

The man that had just took someone's heart out of their chest with no mercy now hugged me.

"I love you so much Freya", he said. I couldn't say it back though not yet.

I still had a Long way too go before I could love Lucas Knight again.
I loved this chapter guys writing it was fun. I will update when I get 40 views on this chapter. I actually already have it ready I'm just waiting on you guys to read this chapter.

Lover FatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora