Chapter 22

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                            Guys so sorry I took so long with this chapter. I had to delete wattpad for a personal reason and I just recently got it back. This isn't the end of my book so don't worry. I'm not done just yet 😉. Now to the story. Warning not edited.

1 month later
                             Lucas's POV
She was an angel the absolute picture of perfection ,my Freya was.

Never had I been so happy in my life. Freya was like a light chasing away the darkness that resided in my heart. I watched her ride the new horse I had got her. I was supposed to be working ,but I had got distracted when I saw a glimpse of Freya out the window.

I could just watch my Freya for hours as she played outside. She was still a child at heart. She played with the councils kids when they came over for meetings ,and all the children adored her. Not as much as I adore her though.

I was brought out of my thoughts about my red head beauty when I heard a knock on my door.

Whatever the person was knocking on my door about must have been very important because no one is supposed to disturb me during business hours.

I opened the door and was surprised to see a werewolf leaning against my door. I despised werewolf's and all of them knew that so why was one knocking at my door.

"You got a death wish mutt",I said wondering how he even got in the castle. I knew this werewolf his name was Paul.

Back during the war against vampires and werewolf's he had been the one to sign the peace treaty for all the werewolf's. He was their king and a very stupid one apparently. He walked right into my office and sat down in one of my chairs.

I growled "get out of here before I use your windpipe as a pencil sharpener", I threatened.

"Now Lucas lets have a civilized conversation I wouldn't want another war to start because we can't get along. We both know we don't need any more of our people killed.

"He snapped his fingers and pointed to the window. My heart stopped when I saw my sweet Freya tied up with a knife to her throat.
Well maybe we can just have one more killed", he said acting casually like threatening the love of my life wouldn't get him killed.

"You tell them to leave her alone Paul", I said through gritted teeth.

"See I don't think I should because she is the only thing that is keeping you from killing me right now because you know that if you kill me Freya dies ,and we both know you won't let anything happen to her."

My heart beating like a race car now I had just lost Freya I wasn't about to lose her again.

"What do you want Paul", I was reeling in my temper.

"You know we have had a little hunter problem lately."

I nodded and he continued "you know how strong you are Lucas if you would just let him out", Paul said. I knew what he was talking about I had promised myself it would never happen again I would never again succumb to him ,the beast inside me.

"We need a leader Lucas ,and you can be that you are the strongest person alive if you let him out. If you let the both of them out then you would be unstoppable." I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked behind me to see Freya knife still at her throat.

"I thought you would make better decisions with her in here",he said.

"No I am not becoming that thing ,not again," I screamed at him.

"Then I guess your girlfriend dies. Do it guys", the men holding Freya started digging the knife in Freya's threat. She screamed and it hurt me inside. I could feel myself turning to protect my mate.

This is what he wanted ,he wanted me to turn into what I truly was. He wanted me to let the beast I had caged up for so long out.

He wanted me to transition into a hybrid. Half vampire and half werewolf.

Freya's POV
I watched as Lucas's body changed he grew more by atleast 2 feet. His muscles got 3 times bigger which I didn't even know was possible ,and his eyes got brighter. He opened his mouth to reveal 2 sets of sharp fangs.

The men holding me shook with fear and so did I this was not the Lucas I knew. I screamed as he turned around and started coming my way. Lucas was a beast now a eight foot something beast with huge fangs and godly muscles.

"Don't touch her", he screamed at the men holding me they backed up leaving me at his mercy.

He picked me up "Freya I was so worried", I was confused this sounded like regular old Lucas.

"Lucas is that you", I said still trembling from head to toe.

"Unfortunately Mia amore I'm only half myself ,my werewolf side has came forth and he is very different from the person you know."

"I'm confused Lucas is this you or not", how could he be a werewolf and a vampire.

"Long ago I was a hybrid, a viscous king who ruled over the vampires and the werewolf's. Back then I was merciless far worse than I am now. A very powerful witch wanted to stop my wicked deeds so she put a spell on me so I would only be vampire so I couldn't rule over the werewolf's anymore ,and I wouldn't be as strong. The spell has worn off long since then ,but I couldn't bring myself to tap into my werewolf side again I felt like I would hurt to many people."

Would Lucas still love me as a werewolf ?would he go back to being an evil merciless king who loved no one because of this new side of him?

"Lucas are you gonna turn into that person again", I asked tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. I had just fixed Lucas now they had to try to make him a bad person again.

"No Mia amore of course not you keep my sanity intact I won't ever be that person again with you around." I smiled this is the Lucas I loved.

A guy walked up to Lucas " Now let's talk about your new kingly duties as the new hybrid king," he said and Lucas looked at him like he was crazy.

"You think I want to be your king why would you give up your spot as king anyways you threatened Freya ,the only thing that I really care about in this world. Why would you think I would want to be your king after that.

" All the sudden I got cold my blood felt like ice. I felt like their was something in my throat I coughed to see blood on my sleeve. Lucas saw it too and his eyes widened.

"What did you do Paul."

He smirked "What I had to we need you to be our leader for the survival of our people. So I poisoned your little Freya and I won't give you the antidote until you give me your word to be king."

I felt blackness start to engulf me "Lucas I don't feel so good", I said before the darkness got me completely.

A/N- So here is the next part of the book. I feel like I need more characters because I have only had two main ones so far. So that will happen. Then I will probably decide to be Julie Plec and kill them 👍. Jk ...maybe 😏 .

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