Chapter 1

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Notice- The first few chapters are really short but get longer as the book goes on.
  Don't draw attention to yourself. I repeated over and over again in my head. Ashley talked on and on about how when she got out of here she was going to figure out how to save everyone.

  I ignored my own instincts and spoke up "there is no way out. We are on a big island in the middle of no where surrounded by vampires with super speed." These people needed a reality check.

" What do you want us to do stay here and let them kill us. The culling is tomorrow Freya," she said reminding me of the event that I couldn't stop thinking about. The culling was when the girls 18 and over that weren't pretty enough got killed. Pretty cruel right? That's the world I live in though. We were auctioned off as blood slaves after that and no one wanted an ugly blood slave.

"Better dying than being a blood slave," I said.

"Easy for you too say your not gonna die tomorrow you are beautiful," Layla said. Everyone nodded. I couldn't deny it. I was beautiful. I got it from my mom. Thinking about her made unwanted memories rise to the surface. No, I wouldn't think about it.

"I think I'm gonna die before tomorrow. I'm starving to death," Ashley said taking the attention off me.

All the girls nodded "all we can do is tighten our corset strings and keep fighting on," Kayla said. We all nodded tears in our eyes.

One of the maids did my corset and I winced as she tugged on it. Then she helped me into my dress. It was a white ball gown dress. My natural wavy hair was curled more than usual. My hair was clipped back. I looked in the mirror.

Who are you? I asked myself in my head. Was I really anybody? What had I done to be somebody? I was a no one to anyone. Anyone except for the girls I'd been raised in this home with. Girls that might be dying today. The only people that really gave a crap about me. If no one even cared about me or even acknowledged that I was there; was I really there at all? I took one last look at myself then walked down the stairs.

The girls were in the main hall when they saw me  "you look good Freya," Merian said, but it wasn't a compliment. It was a statement, one that meant I probably wouldn't die today. I looked at Merian closely. She had brown hair and hazel eyes. She was cute ,but she wasn't exactly beautiful. I had no idea if she would make it today.

They told us to come into the sitting room where we would be checked and we hugged one last time before we took each other's hands and walked down to what would be the death of at least half of us.

Lover FatedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz