● goodbyes ● VYeon

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Requested by : idek coz i cant find the name of the user..

Category ; modern au

Description ; Where Nayeon misses her fiance.


Nayeon stares at the photo she's holding. The photo shows her and a bly that she loves and always will. She misses her boyfriend, no.


Yes. They were going to get married. After 3 years of loving each other. After they went through hard times together in a relationship. They finally decided to get married and he proposed to her.

Under the moonlight at her apartment's balcony. Such gentleman of him. How she wish she could turn back time. Back to when the accident accured. When she should've save him and push his body from hitting that damn truck.

But instead, she stood there, watch him got hit by the truck before her eyes. She should've called the ambulance earlier but she could only stare at her fiance's face, hearing those words he said to her.

"I love you.. Nayeon. Goodbye.."

She din't even got to say that she love him too. It was too late for her to call the ambulance and save the day. It was too fucking late and she just cried on his chest. Hearing no heartbeats left.

And the driver of the truck is more stupid. She could just stand there and watch. Nayeon could do nothing at that time. She regrets everything. She could save him by warning him that the truck lost its control and is driving at full speed towards him.

But she couldn't say it. Those words. He was so happy while waving at her across the road. Nayeon tried to yell, but her athma suddenly attacks her. But she acted like nothing is happening at that time. Stupid athma and her weak lungs.

That accident was 2 months ago. And 3 days until their wedding day. For 2 months, Nayeon shut the whole world and stays in her apartment. Making no calls toward her family, and her fiance's family also. Even all of her friends. She din't call a single one of them.

She locked herself from the big world and spends her times crying, staring into nothing and looking at his photos that she kept.

Her brother also worried about her condition. But she told him that she will be fine. But deep inside, she's dying. Dying from her athma and most importantly her love for her fiance.

She will never forget the past. It will forever hunt her day by day, killing her insides and her heart. Taking away her soul.

Nayeon put back the photo into her drawer. She layed on the bed, hugging her favourite pillow and starts to cry. Her tears falls down immediately and she sobs loudly. Loud enough that filled her whole room. She mutters his name continuosly, on and on and on and on. Until she falls asleep.

It is her everyday routine. Calling his name a few times and falls asleep. She calls his name as if he was there. As if he's with her. She always thought that and remembers that he will always be by her side.

"Whatever you do, Nayeon. If I go first, you have to stay alive. And I will always be with you. Always, love."

Nayeon closes her eyes shut, letting the tears to slip out and lands on her pillow.

"I miss you, Taehyung.."


This is so short and i am so sorry..!

I really hope you enjoy. Sorry that I dissapointed you, whoever that requested this.


BANGTWICE : oneshots / imaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя