● hard to get ● TaeTzu

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Category ; highschool love au

Description : Where Taehyung loves a girl and works hard to find a way to tell her how he feels.


"I don't play hard to get, Taehyung. I am hard to get."

Taehyung remembers her words. His crush' words. His crush that he've been falling in love with for quite a long time. And during that long time, he tries so many time to capture her heart. To make her heart his. But she's just hard to win over.

He tried everything, and all of them got her attention. Only her attention. He tried showing his football skills, which Tzuyu impressed. He tried giving her flowers everyday during those times, a single flower a day. Now she's probably have a bouquet of roses now. But she just accepted the flowers from him and kept it.

He does not understand how to get her he felt like giving up. But that word does not exist in his dictionary. And it seems like he even couldn't hang out with her because of she being famous and all of her friends are around. He could ask her out if her friends would go away and leave her alone for once. Well, what can you expect from the daugter of a billionaire. Richies.

He did ask her out and boy it is alot of times. But Tzuyu always said no.

He only got to talk to her that one time. It was when they're watching their school's hockey game and he happens to sit beside her. It is indeed the best moment in his life!

But it only lasted for 10 mins. Because her goddamn friends pulling on her arms. Begging her to sit somewhere else 'comfy'. They both were currently talking about something that moment and her awful friends who are always dragging her to someplace appeared out of no frikin' where.

Tzuyu had to obey her friends and could only smile at him.

Smile. It's what they do often. They can only smile at each other from afar when they could not meet with each other. He hoped one day that he could spend some time with her without her friends being annoying and tell her to do this and that.

If only her friends could just go away and doesn't exist anymore. He just wanted to talk to Tzuyu.

And the day came. Finally. He've been waiting for too long.

"Hello, Taehyung." Tzuyu greeted sweetly.

"Hi, Tzuyu. Where are your friends? They are always with you."

He asked, pressing the word 'friends' to her. "I've.. We're not friends anymore."

Taehyung choked on his own tea and put the cup on the table. He look at Tzuyu, suprised.

"They found these new 'friend' that is better than me, according to them. But I just think that they are not loyal to me." Tzuyu explains and drinks her white coffee.

They were at the cafe, an expensive cafe to be specific. He asked her to hang out and she finally said yes. For the first time.

"They're annoying though.." Taehyung murmured, which Tzuyu heard and chuckles lightly.

"Really annoying, Taehyung. You had no idea how's my life with them."

They continued to talk together in that cafe and also laughed. Taehyung felt so happy that moment. He finally got to talk to her crush for all these times.

"I'm sorry for not hanging out with you. I wanted to but I can't that time. Not yet. My schedule is so tight too. My father wouldn't allow me to. I got stuck in my house always and only my friends could come."

She explained her reasons to him.

Since then, they started to hang out more often. Since her friends are 'gone', he finally could spend some time with Tzuyu. The girl who's every guy wanted her.

And he's the lucky guy to get to hang out with her.

He also take it slowly and not rush. He want to make her feel comfortable when being with him. And later, he can confess to her. How he actually feels.



Kinda short. Thanks for readin ❤

Sorry not sorry.

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