2.17 The Last Days Of Katherine Pierce

Start from the beginning

I shook my head "I never said that"

Nik "you did, love"

I rolled my eyes "that's not the point, Nik. The point is she doesn't have much time left. You've been hunting her down for the past 500 years. I thought you'd want to see her"

Nik "Nice thought, Love. I'm on my way"

I hung up and looked at the group in front of me. 

They were all drinking on Katherine's death. 

Me "done playing?"

They all shut up and turned to me. 

I walked around the sofa to Damon and grabbed his shot "If anyone is drinking to Katherine's last days, it's going to be me."

Then I downed the shot "go ahead"

Elena "Well, then...She impersonated me...repeatedly. Made Aunt Jenna stab herself in the stomach and she cut off Uncle John's fingers."

She downed a shot.

I sat down next to Damon. 

Jeremy "He might have deserved that."

I nodded "i wanted to do it myself but Katherine got to him first"

Bonnie " My Grams died trying to close a tomb she wasn't in."

Caroline " Tyler's werewolf curse got triggered because of her."

Elena " Klaus followed her to Mystic Falls and because of that, we lost Jenna."

Damon added " And Alaric."

We all downed another shot.

Matt poured us all another drink " We're going to need more booze."

Elena " She tried to kill me at least twice."

Caroline " She did kill me...Although I'm weirdly better off."

We all downed another shot.

Matt stood up and walked away to get more alcohol.

Damon "Rumor has it, she burnt down the entire city of Atlanta once."

I nodded "I was there, It was epic"

Jeremy nodded " That might win."

Stefan walked inside " All right. Knock it off or take it somewhere else. You guys are being insensitive."

We all looked at him. 

Damon " Come on, Stefan. Don't let the sight of a frail, human Elena-look-alike cloud your memories of the manipulative psycho that she is."

He handed Stefan a shot. 

Stefan took it " In 1864, Katherine moved into my home, she compelled me to love her instead of her sister because she was jealous, seduced my brother, fed us full of vampire blood and then started a war with the town that got us killed."

Damon raised his glass"Exactly. Bottoms up."

He downed a shot.

Stefan " But, centuries before that, she was just an innocent girl that was shunned by her family. So for five hundred years, she lied and manipulated and did whatever she had to do to survive. And she did. She's a survivor, right? So that's the girl I will drink to today. Cheers."

Then he drank. He was the only one, though.

I raised an eyebrow "alright"

Then I stood up "I have no idea what Katherine told you this time to wrap you around her finger again"

Stefan sighed "Ad-"

Me "Katerina Petrova whored around in our village in Bulgaria. Then she gave birth to a child which was taken away from her by our monster of a father. A monster who threw us out. We fled to England where we met the Mikaelson. She and i spend time with them. Nik wanted to sacrifice one of us for the ritual. And because i was with Elijah, Katherine was the one who was going to be sacrificed. The night she found out was also the night i was killed by Nik. She ran, leaving me behind in hopes Nik would sacrifice me, which didn't happened because i died and came back as a vampire. I woke up the next to day to find out she ran away. That she left me to die. When i arrived at Bulgaria my whole family was slaughtered because she ran away."

Everyone was looking down.

Me "That's when i found out she was also a vampire. We stayed together till 1864. We came to Mystic Falls because the Salvatore's had taken us in because they thought our family died in a fire, well, we started that fire. That's when i met you and Damon. Katherine knew how much you and i loved each other. She loved you too. So she compelled you to fall in love for her. She didn't only compel you ...she was also playing with Damon, your brother. And then when things got ugly she ran away. Stefan and Damon died to safe her because of some stupid compulsion. That was the last night i saw her. I haven't seen her for since that night for years till i came back to Mystic Falls for you, Stefan."

Stefan looked down.

Me "So, if any of you thinks that she deserves any kind of respect. Then there's the door. Because Katherine Pierce doesn't care about anyone but herself. I'm the living example. She never cared about me. She's the curse of my life"

Stefan "still, she's your sister"

I raised an eyebrow " She doesn't care about anyone but herself!"

Stefan shook his head. 

i nodded "oh yeah, i forgot. You're locked in that safe. Meaning you have no idea what actually happened, do you?"

He raised an eyebrow, shaking his head a little.

Me "The night the other side closed. I was at school to make peace with Kol. Katherine tried to kill me. I had no choice but to cure her."

He nodded. 

Me "And in case you forgot, she turned you into vampires, she denied you the freedom of choosing who you love. she played you and Damon, Stefan. Damon was in love with her for over 164 years. And then she tried to kill me, her sister because you fell in love with me"

I looked at the shot in my head "so if you wanna drink on that innocent little girl she tells you she is...then...then she's got you wrapped around her finger like in 1864"

I raised my shot "But I'm drinking on Katherine Pierce, the curse of my life"

Then I downed the shot.

Stefan "Bottle's empty...I should–"

Damon stood up "That's why you never send a busboy to do a man's job."

Suddenly i saw Nadia standing behind Stefan.

Damon "Nadia...the devil's spawn. Caroline, did you remember to tell Elena that?"

Caroline smacked her forehead.

Elena "I think my mind just exploded. Okay. Katherine's upstairs."

She downed her shot.

Nadia " Actually, I'm here to see all of you. I found a way to save my mother and I need some help."

Damon "Uh-uh. No way. Even my biased brother knows I will kick his ass from here to Kentucky if he helps Katherine Pierce live one more day on this Earth. No volunteers."

He looked around at us to make sure we agreed.

Nadia "I figured as much, which is why I found that old safe your brother spent the summer drowning in and buried it on this property with your friend Matt inside of it. Oh – without this."

Nadia placed Matt's Gilbert ring on the table.

Elena's eyes widened "What?"

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