Chapter Thirty-Six

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Lauren's POV

Our daughter was so beautiful and I instantly fell in love with her the moment I saw her. Camila and I decided to name her Esmeralda Rosa Jauregui-Cabello we were calling her Esmie for short. Camila, Esmie, and I were able to go home the same day three days after Camila gave birth.

I cried when we had to leave Truett behind it was so painful walking away from your child. It was nice being home but I went back to see him everyday and stayed with him for hours. Camila couldn't come because she had to take care of Esmie but we all video chatted. Tru even smiled at Camila a few times. We were making the most of it because we know that he would be home soon.

Truett was now a month old and he's been doing great he's been gaining weight, breathing well on his own, he's even started breastfeeding and drinking from a bottle. The doctor said they were looking to release him in a day or two, Camila and I were so excited.

I was sitting on the couch holding Esmie; Camila had just gotten finished feeding her and she went off to take a shower. I was just staring at her cute face when Dino came up and took a seat beside me.

"What are you up to Dino?" I asked him.

"Nothing, I think I'm going to go outside and skateboard." He says.

"You don't have plans with your friends today, you haven't convinced your dad to take you somewhere?" I questioned.

"No, Rio left to see his dad for a week and Sam is going on vacation with her family." He said.

It is summer so it made since that they were gone.

"Oh that's right." I said.

"I hate that we can't go on a vacation this year." He voiced.

"I know, but it wouldn't be the best thing with Camila and I just having the baby's. We will go on a vacation next year I promise we'll all go." I told him.

He just nods.

"Have you talked to your dad today?" I asked.

"Nope, but you don't want me to go over there do you?" He frowned.

I was confused by the look on his face.

"I wasn't asking you that because I wanted you to go over there, I was just wondered if you spoken to your dad. Is there a reason why you don't want to go over there?" I wondered.

"Yeah but you told me not to tell dads business so I didn't say anything."

I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"It's not anything bad is it?" I inquired.

"I don't know, it's just that dad and Addie fight a lot." He shares.

"Really? What about?"

"I rather not say." He leans back on the couch.

"Is that so? Just tell me if they're okay then."

"Um, I don't know honestly." He says.

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