Chapter Seventeen

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--I researched diabetes, sorry if something doesn't seem accurate.

--Enjoy: )

Camila's POV

I left Toby with Lauren because I had no idea what I was about to walk into, I also called Mark letting him know that I wouldn't be able to meet up with him today. He was a little upset but I had to quickly remind him that my world doesn't revolve around him.

I pulled up to my former home and parked my car and I sat there for a moment dreading going in there. My dad already did so much for me I had no idea what more he could have done and I honesty wasn't looking to get anything.

I got out of my car reluctantly, the last time I saw my mom was right after my father died and she wanted nothing to do with me. She was stoic then so it's no telling how she was now, I just had a feeling that I haven't seen my mother at her worst.

I walked up to the front door and I knocked I stood there for a minute before the door opened revealing a bewildered Sofi, and I could hear a crash inside the house.

"Sof, what the hell is going on?" I demanded.

There was a hint of fear in her eyes. "She just flipped her shit, I can't stay here Camila." She says.

"Come with me then, do you have a bag packed?" I asked her all the while hearing crashing and the sound of shattering glass in the background.

"No, I'll go pack something really quickly." She said turning into the house and rushing up the stairs.

I stepped into the house hesitantly a bit frightened by the ruckus that was coming from the living-room. When I turned the corner I saw that the always pristine living-room completely trashed. My mother was standing in the middle of the mess a stormy glint in her eyes; she looked as if she had completely given up.

I walked into the room cautiously avoiding the debris on the floor and I made my way towards her.

"Mom." I said quietly as to not startle her.

"I don't want you here." She gritted.

I didn't hear the warning laced in her words because I just stayed right there.

"I have no idea why you're so upset mom I just-'' She cuts me off.

"You stupid girl, what part of 'I don't want you here' do you not understand. I want you out of here." She snapped.

"Mom why can't you just get over yourself, if dad was able to forgive me why can't you?" I voiced.

Her eyes seared through me.

"Don't you dare talk to me about him, you have no right!"

"He was my father I do have a right, I loved him and I loved you but you just never wanted to see that. You're a bitter hag of a woman who is better off alone; my father didn't deserve such a hateful bitch as a wife." I spat out.

I must have hit a nerve because the next thing I know she was charging at me and all I could feel was pain. She was hitting me, and I don't know if it was from pure shock or the fact that this was my mother that paralyzed me either way I couldn't stop her. It seemed like all the rage she had building up in her was just released on me.

Instinctually I put my arms up to defend myself but it didn't keep her from getting several blows in. I tried to move away from her but her attach just wouldn't relent she snapped and the blunt of it was directed towards me.

As she wailed on me she yelled out obscenities and belittled me in almost every way possible and no matter how badly I wanted to get away from the assault I couldn't. I was in pain she was really hurting me and I thought it was never going to be over.

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