Chapter Twenty-One

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Lauren's POV 

 "Maybe I went a little overboard, but I couldn't help it. I just saw red when I seen this woman holding my child." Camila said.

She was telling me about her reaction to seeing Mark's girlfriend. I was holding her in bed while she told me.

"I could see why you would feel that way." I said playing with her hair.

"You think I overreacted." She states.

"No I don't. To be completely honesty I felt you handled the situation well, you were honest with Mark and you didn't threaten to stop his visitations. Overreacting would have been you threatening him, but you didn't do that. It would be unrealistic to expect Mark not to bring women around Toby because it will happen. You two just need to come up with a compromise. Learn to communicate better so you aren't blindsided like that again." I explained.

"You're right, it's just hard to know how to react to something when you never been through it before." She says cuddling up to me.

"I know trust me I've been there. You just have to remember that this is all for Toby and what's best for him. Toby has his father in his life and that's a good thing, especially since Mark seems to be taking parenting seriously. Toby's a happy boy anyone with eyes can see that, but in order to keep him that way his parents need to keep the peace. Co-parenting is hard and tiring, it's something you have to always work on, but you have to be willing to put in the work. You have the power to make the situation better Camila." I said.

"Do you and Trevor have a legal agreement over Dino? Does it make it easier?" She asked.

I chuckled. "Of course, my dad's a lawyer. His saying is: cover your ass. So, legal documents were drawn up shortly after Dino was born. It gives me comfort I guess." I said.

"What was the agreement?" She inquired.

"I have physical custody of Dino which means this is his primary home. Trevor and I have jointed legal custody of him which means that every decision that has to be made for Dino we have to make it together." I shared.

"Maybe I should take legal action; I just think that I should. Mark is serious about being a dad and I could see that now. I think that coming up with an agreement will be best for both of us, and it'll be best for Toby." She says.

"If that's something that you want to do I'll support you in whatever decision you make."

"Thank you."

"No problem babe." I said.

"How is Addie doing with her pregnancy?" She asked.

"She's great actually, she'll text me every once in a while asking for advice. I'm not really the one she should be getting pregnancy advice from though." I informed.

"Why shouldn't she be getting advice from you?"

"I'm a type 1 diabetic; any pregnancy for me is high risk. I spent my entire pregnancy worrying about my child while dealing with fluctuating blood sugar levels that were never right because of the pregnancy. I was so afraid that I would miscarry or that my baby would be stillborn. Not to mention I was only a teenager when this was all happening. Then due to my diabetes Dino was a very large baby and I couldn't give birth to him naturally, I had to have a c-section. Once I had him my blood sugar dropped significantly and I was on a glucose IV drip for three days. So I'm really not the one who should tell her what to expect because I didn't' have a normal pregnancy." I explained.

She looks at me. "Did you know the risk of pregnancy before you got pregnant?" She asked.

I looked away from her because I had a secret that no one knew about, I felt ashamed so I never said anything.

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